20.03.2008 – 20.03.2021
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Romanian Parliament – Senate of Romania Romanian Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Office of the EUSDR National Coordinator
EUROLINK - House of Europe Foundation
"Local Communities along the Danube River" Association (CLDR - Romania)
EUSDR International Honorary Chair "Jean Bart" (CIO-SUERD)
Romanian Academy - Center of Studies and Researches for Agrosilvical Biodiversity “Acad. David DAVIDESCU”
Group of Ecological Initiative and Sustainable Development - GIEDD
PartNET Association
Professional Association for Quality in Training for Public Administration
CESIRO Sighisoara
Inkcomm PR
Phaeton Gala - PR & Lobby Consulting
Ethic Wine
Romanian Sommeliers Association
Crama Rotenberg
Domeniile Samburesti
Tuica de Badacin
Aqua Carpatica