By organizing the sixth edition of the Black Sea-Danube Integral Innovation Forum, the Organizing Consortium aims to take advantage of the presence of a large number of guests and participants, in order to be able to support the formation of consortia for future partnership and to group the potential beneficiaries interested in major projects for the public and private sectors in Romania.
Continuing a tradition instituted in 2011, the“Danube-Black Sea” Action Group – coordinated by EUROLINK-House of Europe – initiated a strong institutional lobby in favor of key innovative ideas and initiatives, by conferring the Title of Innovator – Investor in the Black Sea – Danube Region, to reward or encourage the innovative character of various projects / initiatives in macro-regional context.
The Title: Innovator / Investor in the Black Sea – Danube Region
- BLAXY PREMIUM RESORT & HOTEL – Innovator & Investor in the Black Sea Area
- TRAVEL FOCUS ROMANIA ASSOCIATION – Innovation in Entrepreneurship & Tourism Consultancy
- CAESAR FOUNDATION – Social & Civic Innovation
- FEDERATIA AGRICULTORILOR FERMIERUL – Innovator in Agriculture and Bioeconomy
- MECHATREC Cluster – Technological Innovation
- TDP Partners – Innovator in Project Management & Consultancy
- A HEAT GROUP – THEME BUCHAREST – Innovator in Welnes & Spa Tourism