As the local communities and universities succeeded only at small scale to become aware of the importance to assume this model, we decided to place the sixth edition of the Black Sea – Danube Integral Innovation Forum under the sign of the following imperative: “The Necessity and Opportunity of Integral Innovation in the Black Sea – Danube Basin”.
The key-goal of the Forum is to largely promote and demonstrate the advantages of the transnational co-operation at the level of the Danube Region, and under the aegis of EUSDR. This requires to coagulate the most advanced mechanisms and methods through the emergence of the “communities of practices”, the internationalisation of clusters, the industrial renaissance of the most promising branches and the foundation of an integral innovation hub at the level of stakeholders of public and private sectors of the Lower Danube and the Black Sea Littoral.
To this event, we have already the confirmation of attendance of the EUSDR Coordinator for Cooperation and Capacity Bulding, Mr. Rudolf SCHICKER, and of the President of the International Institute for Integral Innovation, Prof. George TEODORESCU, the founder and the coordinator of DAC – Danubius Academic Consortium, where CLDR Romania is represented at the level of Executive Board.
In the first day, the guests and speakers will bring to the attention of the Danube stakeholders the various new possibilities of co-operation between the main actors of the innovation process and of the Danube Strategy. Taking DAC as a best practices provider and vector, we will debate on the concrete results on the way to rethink the entire educational process in the spirit of integral innovation / entrepreneurship in the Lower Danube area. The participants will establish a closer co-operation on the basis of the knowledge sharing and of the creation of an online “community of practices”, with a special focus on the final beneficiaries from Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia.
The second day is entirely dedicated to the networking, match-making and documentation visits to selected institutions or organisations affiliated to CLDR and DAC. This will allow the strengthening of contacts, the emergence of new consortia and the submission of major successful projects, including those targeted towards the use of the European Strategic Investment Plan.
The Forum will be organised with the support of the European Affairs Committee of the Senate of Romania – having as a Honorary Chairman Senator Octavian MOTOC and as a Honorary Guest the EUSDR National Coordinator – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Silvia DAVIDOIU –, of the Institute for Popular Studies, of other authorities and institutions motivated to relaunch the process of industrialisation for Romanian in the new context of SMART Specialisations process and of cross-border and transnational co-operation.
Organising Consortium: Black Sea – Danube Regional Network for Social & Economic Innovation, “Local Communities along the Danube River” Association (CLDR), DAC – Danubius Academic Consortium, Romanian Academy – Biodiversity Centre and the EUSDR Honorary Chair “Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD).
Associated Media Partners: National Press Agency AGERPRES and TV-H. Media Partners:,,, Comunicații Mobile,,,,,, Tribuna Economică, ”Buletin Dunărean”.
More information: Black Sea – Danube Integral Innovation Forum