Activities of EUROLINK - House of Europe

ROCOCO EXCELLENCE CENTRE - initiated in the summer of 1998, is a Romanian Career Counselling and Training Programme, designed to improve professional abilities, consolidate work motivations and increase acces to European labour market of students and young graduates.

EUROPEAN CLUB - an informal platform created with the goal of bringing together businessmen on a national level, who are interested in discussing European topics.

INTERDISCIPLINARY REFLECTION GROUP - an initiative that assembles a group of experts in European integration, designed to promote theoretical alternatives and practical solutions, aimed to accelarate the preparation of the integration process to NATO and EU.

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For more details about EUROLINK - House of Europe please feel free to Contact us!


"Curs post-universitar online de medie durata in managementul proiectelor cu Fonduri Europene (grupa 19)"
Perioada: octombrie-decembrie 2011

Evenimente 2010

Conferinta Timisoara 2010

"Provocari ale Aderarii Romaniei la Spatiul Schengen"
14 decembrie 2010 - Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
15 decembrie 2010 - Universitatea de Vest "Vasile Goldis" din Arad

Ziua Concurentei 2010

"Ziua Europeana a Concurentei si Competitivitatii in Romania (ed. VI)"
29 noiembrie 2010 - CCIR, Bucuresti

Masa Rotunda Europeana 2010

"Care este locul actual al Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana: intre integrarea romilor si absorbtia fondurilor europene"
15 octombrie 2010 - Palatul Parlamentului, Bucuresti