Under the Honorary Patronage of the Chairmanship of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

Black Sea Basin - Danube Region:
New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change

Press releases

Bucharest, 5 April 2011

Social and Economic Innovation glides down on the Danube to the Black Sea
Launching the International Competition of the Regional Fair: "Black Sea Basin - Danube Region: New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change"

In the context of the celebration of the European Maritime Day in Romania, coordinated by DG MARE of the European Commission, and under the High Patronage of the Romanian Chairmanship of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), also the special support of the National Coordinator of the EU Danube Strategy, we are pleased to invite you to participate to the Regional Fair: "Black Sea Basin - Danube Region: New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change", to be deployed in Bucharest, Romania - Palace of the Parliament and other complimentary locations, in the period 19-21 May 2011.

The forthcoming approval by the European Council of both two highly relevant European documents - EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the Black Sea Strategy - could represent a real historic event only if we become fully aware and informed about the exceptional financial instruments aimed to provoke a re-thinking and reconstruction of the two important geo-economic regions. In this respect, we challenge you to advocate together with the most relevant Black Sea Basin and its related Danubian Region protagonists in favor of the most interesting co-operation innovative ideas, initiatives, national / international projects and regional networks; and to encourage the ad-hoc or further establishing of new partnerships, networks and project consortia. The main envisaged fields of financing / further co-operation are: social-economic innovation, sustainable development, tourism and protection of the environment and cultural patrimony.

In the same time, we invite you to participate to the International Competition of the Regional Fair, organised in order to reward the most appealing and effective regional cooperation ideas, initiatives, project and networks, co-financed or to be financed by the European Funds in the Black Sea Basin and the Danube Region.

The winners will be rewarded: a special personalised Trophy: "Black Sea - Danubian Social-Economic Innovator"; a Diploma of Excellence; a large dissemination campaign about the winner with the support of the event's media partners. The International Committee of Selection is chaired by Ambassador Dr. Liviu BOTA - ex-Deputy Secretary General of United Nations Organisation / Honorary President of EUROLINK-House of Europe.

For more information, please visit our website: www.HouseofEurope.ro or contact the Secretariat of the Organising Consortium at: eurolink@b.astral.ro; phone/fax: (+4021) 2304997.

For conformity,
EUROLINK - House of Europe Foundation in Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest, 22 March 2011

New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change
Black Sea & Danube Regional Fair, Bucharest-Romania (19-21 May 2011)

We are pleased to announce and invite you to participate to the first edition of the Regional Fair of initiatives, projects and networks "Black Sea - Danube Region: New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change" to take place in Bucharest-Romania, in the period 19-21 May 2011. This event will be deployed on the occasion of the European Maritime Day 2011, under the aegis of the European Union, and with the kind support of the current Romanian Chairmanship of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).

The three practical workshops are aimed to promote the implementation of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, Black Sea Synergy and the Black Sea Environment Partnership, in conjunction with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region:

  • Workshop 1. "Social-economic pro-innovation policies and initiatives"
  • Workshop 2. "Sustainable development through an effective regional cooperation"
  • Workshop 3. "Dilemmas, challenges and perspectives of the environmental protection within Black Sea Basin"

You are also invited to participate to the Special Exhibition opened to companies, organisations and regional networks, public presentations, Business Matching Point and to the cross-border competition of most innovative ideas, initiatives, projects and networks to be organised. The foreign participants will be invited, during the last day, to participate to a tour to the cultural, scientific, historical and cultural objectives of the Capital of Romania.

We welcome participants coming from all Danubian and Black Sea member countries, in the following expertise fields:

  • regional networks and partnerships (public-private, cross-border organizations and projects, groups and inter-disciplinary academic institutions);
  • consulting agencies and professional associations;
  • other business interest groups, national and bilateral chambers of commerce;
  • diplomatic representations in Romania and their commercial offices;
  • journalists
  • leading representatives of the NGO sector.

The provisional members of the Organising Consortium are: Chamber of Deputies - Parliament of Romania; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Romanian Diplomatic Institute; Schengen Department - Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs; Managing Authority of the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013; ACRAFE - Association of Romanian Consultants for the Accession of European Fund; CCIR - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania; The Romanian University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea"; Centre for Agroforestry Biodiversity Studies and Research of the Romanian Academy; Black Sea University Foundation; Alternative Sciences Association in Romania; Romanian Club for External Relations, Diplomacy and European Affairs.

Detailed information, including the business agenda and the list of key-speakers, is available on the webpage of the Regional Fair. Feel free to disseminate this announcement among your partner organisations.

For any further questions or comments regarding the event, please do not hesitate to contact us: eurolink@b.astral.ro; phone/fax: (+4021) 2304997.

See also:

Networked Blogs - Structural Funds in Romania:
Noi oportunitati de finantare pentru schimbare sociala si economica