Round Table in view of establishing the Task Force Groups of the
National Business Anti-Corruption Ombudsman Platform
Following the deployment of the European Conference ”Improving Anti-Corruption Policies and Practices”, organised by EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation with the kind support of the Senate of Romania in cooperation with the European Network for Education and Training (EUNET) and co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union and in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, and also thanks to the moral and theoretical guidance offered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the organisers launched the creation of a National Business Anti-Corruption Ombudsman Platform.
This initiative is mainly oriented to support both the private sector and the Romanian judicial authorities in view of the improvement of the Romanian investment climate, of ensuring the civil society support to the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (SNA) and to accelerate the Romanian accession to OECD and to its Anti-Bribery Convention within International Transactions, through consolidating the tax systems, tackle corruption and improve competitiveness. We estimate that this has to be the only one way to reunite the efforts of all involved stakeholders, such as the Prosecutor’s Office, DNA, the Government, business and professional associations, international financial institutions (IFI) and civil society organisations.
The central goal of the initiative remains to strengthen a more productive and pro-active business environment and to increase the investment attractiveness of Romania. Such a development of this initiative was possible through the participation and the recommendations of some important personalities such as: from EBRD London – Mrs. Cristina BUZASU; from European Parliament, Mrs. Monica MACOVEI; from the German Embassy, Mr. Steffen HEINLE; from EUNET, Mr. Ake SODERMAN (Sweden); from Deutsche Welle Radio, Chief Editor Robert SCHWARTZ; from Hanns Seidel Foundation, Mr. Ciprian PETCU; from Senate of Romania, Mr. Vicepresident Mihai GOTIU; from Ministry of Justice, Mr. Sorin TANASE; from DGA-Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Chief Commissioner Alexandru Catalin IONITA; from Freedom House, Mrs Cristina GUSETH; from Romanian Academy, Prof. univ. dr. Petre PRISECARU; from ANAF, Mr. Florian DUMITRU; from DNA, First Advisor Dana TITIAN; from DIICOT, Mrs. Codruta-Mariana TRANDAFIR; from Romanian Court of Accounts, Prof. Verginia VEDINAS; from Centre for Legal Resources, Mr. Nicolae RADU; from Transparency International Honorary Board, Mr. Adrian BABOI-STROE.
As a next step, in view of establishing the structure and responsibilities of the Task Force Groups, all interested parts and other stakeholders are kindly invited to attend the Round Table to be organised at the Senate of Romania (“Avram Iancu” Hall) on the 28th of September 2017 (between 14.00 -17.00 hours). As a main envisaged result, the initiator of the Platform aims to elaborate a synthetic Roadmap for: guiding the improvement of the current legislation; designing the functioning mechanisms of the Anti-Corruption Platform and of a Civil Society Anti-Corruption Fund for financing the project; drafting further public policies in this field.
Associate Media Partners: National Press Agency AGERPRES, TVH, Opinia Națională, Juridice.ro.
Media Partners: Finantare.ro, CaleaEuropeana.ro, Comunicații Mobile, CalendarEvenimente.ro, ComunicateMedia.ro, Tribuna Economică, 24PHarte.ro, SmartFinancial.ro, PRwave.ro, BrandInfo.ro, “Buletin Dunărean”.
Future more detailed information will be available at www.houseofeurope.ro
For conformity,
Secretariat of the Organising Consortium
c/o EUROLINK-House of Europe