Establishing the Local Communities along the Danube River Platform in Romania in order to accede the EUSDR financing opportunities, on the occasion of the Anniversary of EUSDR International Honorary Chair (CIO-SUERD)
Since the year 2011, according to the new strategy of Macro-region covering 14 Danube river-side states, shortly called EUSDR, we have a clear road-map and a guideliness document. So, we could manage closing the development gaps, including in Romania, partner along with Austria to this large-scale changing project for the 21st century.
At the end of the month of October, Romania will host at the headquarters of the Romanian Parliament and of the National Bank the two greatest international events aimed to better position our country on the map of the social-economic recovery, corresponding to the next EU planning period 2014-2020: Annual Danube Forum – second edition and the Financial Danubian Dialogue – third edition.
We take in view the deepest transformational process ever planned for this "Danubian Republic", already involving 14 nations and more than 100 millions inhabitants. It is estimated that these ones will deploy massive project investments in the next 7 years.
In order to better prepare the presence of the Romanian various institutions and companies, as well as for quicker connecting these ones to the emerging consortia, especially for the Technical Axis, and for the major projects in view, with the kind support of the Senate of Romania and the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, of the Romanian Academy and of the Group of Ecological Initiative and Sustainable Development - GIEDD, CIO-SUERD invite you to attend the Special High Level Meeting for founding the Local Communities along the Danube River Platform in Romania, which will take place at the Palace of the Parliament, on the 26th of September 2013.
Among the main honorary guest of this event we would like to enumerate the Vicepresident of the European Investment Bank, Prof. Mihai TANASESCU, Prof. Senator Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, former Minister of Education and Research and Founding Member of the CIO-SUERD Scientific Council, Deputy Florian NICOLAE. In the same time, we mention that this event precedes the EUSDR Entrepreneurial Forum at national level to be held in Giurgiu (further technical details will be provided in due time by the organisers).
On this occasion, the CIO-SUERD will be formally called "Jean BART" Chair, in memory of the Romanian novelist. Also, in the presence of invited representatives of local communities, universities and relevant NGOs at national level, we plan to establish a permanent Local Communities along the Danube River Platform in Romania, through the inter-connection of the existing and evolving "Competitiveness and Training Centres" at local level.