The Strategic Confluence between Black Sea and Danube -
the gate towards new innovative investment opportunities

International Competition

The General Aim of the Competiton:

to contribute to an increased social and economic transformation and integration of the linked European regions - Black Sea Basin and Danube Region - through a smarter use and reward of its human innovation potential.

Specific objectives:

We are openely inspired and determinated to transfer and adapt to our region the seven pillars of Social Innovation (as described and promoted by EUCLID Network):

  1. Creativity
  2. Combining citizen engagement (value-based action)
  3. Multi-stakeholder approach
  4. Network society
  5. New technologies
  6. Just-do-it culture
  7. Risk-taking spirit

In this spirit, we plan:

  • using concrete examples and study-cases, to anticipate and make presure on the further EU reforms and planning of European financial programmes concerning the Black Sea and Danube related major and average projects and cross-border networks;
  • to introduce, facilitate and promote knowledeg-sharing and partneship's way of thinking and action in the two regions, better using the newest technologies.

In order to motivate and help especially the civil society and academic innovators, the Competition represents an international call for most innovative ideas, past experiences and networks' ways of action to be better known and transfered at a much larger escale in the two regions.

Black Sea - Danubian Social & Economic Innovator Trophy

Gratefulness for winners:

The Competition awarded the most appealing and effective regional cooperation ideas, initiatives, project and networks, co-financed or to be financed by the European Funds in the Black Sea Basin / Danube Region.

The winners are:

The following Trophies were awarded to personalities for their professional activity supporting social and economic innovation in the Danube Region and the Black Sea Basin:

  • Eric BARTHA - for his activity in supporting the Consultative Council of SUERD
  • Monica GHIURCO - for the documentary "Mostenirea clandestina"
  • Octavian SERBAN - for the research activity and promotion of Knowledge Management (KM) in Romania
  • Constantin SEVERIN - for the new concept in fine arts - "Archetypal Expressionism"

Committee of Selection

The International Committee of Selection is co-chaired by Academician Cristian HERA, Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and Ambassador Liviu BOTA - ex-Deputy Secretary General of United Nations Organisation / Honorary President of EUROLINK-House of Europe

Open Competition

A multi-national competition was launched in order to reward the most appealing and effective regional cooperation ideas, initiatives, project and networks, co-financed or to be financed by the European Funds in the Black Sea Basin / Danube Region.

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