CEFTAC PLATFORM - European Seminar

EUROLINK - House of Europe



Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest
7 March 2005

European Seminar
“Prospects and Tasks of the Romanian Economic Environment

before the Accession of Romania to the European Union


under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the European Union

and of the Romanian Presidency

organised with the kind support of the PHARE Small Projects Program of the European Union


Cerchez Hall

Cerchez Hall - Cotroceni Palace







   Press Releases  

(Romanian version)





The project relates to the priority regarding the implementation and enforcement of the internal market acquis in the Phare programme countries. Its aim is to provide a consistent follow-up to the recently deployed European Conference on Competition through  a permanent confrontation of  the case of Romania with other CEE experiences in the field of its efforts to eliminate the barriers for the free movement of services and improve the free movement of capitals, aimed to generate a stable, coherent and cohesive information, communication, mutual assistance and consultation impartial system for promoting the EU liberalisation/competition policies. The identified target groups are located in seven Central Eastern European countries and are composed from experts of the general and specialised regulatory bodies, corporate members of the chambers of commerce, employer organisations and concerned professional associations.

This action is planned to consolidate our REGENT Centre created in June 2001, especially the projects aimed to support the partnerships between public authorities and private & NGO sector organisations from national/regional capitals in EU and CEEC in the field of accelerating the European integration process. Also, we design to provide a practical impact and follow-up to other two initiatives supported in the past by projects supported by DG Education and DG Press: the research study and advocacy campaignEuropeanisation of Romania through Regional Development and Diversity“, and the newly created EU PROCESS ACADEMY - an intensive training programme for CEE  experts in European integration.

In terms of priority issues for 2004, the competition policy represents an essential dimension of the whole European accession process within the European Single Market.  As such, we are decided to concentrate on the effectiveness of enforcing/ implementation operations.  This could be attained through both the full harmonisation of the competition and State aid policy and rules, according to the EU legislative framework in the above mentioned field (including economic regulations, privatisation, antitrust measures, State aid supervision, international trade). In order to implement  the competition policy and rules within the structural reform, we consider that a special attention must be paid to the links between Chapter 6 - Competition Policy - and other more demanding  chapters of the Single Market acquis,  implied by the preparation of Romanian companies and involved bodies/authorities for a free and fair pan - European and global competition, and a for achieving a stronger socio-economic cohesion of the acceding countries involving various fields (energy, industrial policy or regional policy).

Using the mediation of our NGO advocacy and mediation capabilities, and choosing Romania as a main study-case of the project, to be framed and confronted with other more advanced CEEC economies/reforms of the competition system, we believe to give our specific contribution to the supporting efforts of EU and to the acceleration of the entire integration process in our region.  

The identified target groups:




The virtual platform Central-European Advocacy for a Fair and Transparent Competition (CEFTAC) was launched with the occasion of the European Conference in Constanta (October 2004).

Methods of implementation for the virtual CEE Competition Platform:

o       inter-active forum of discussions;

o       publication of press releases, announcements, annual and other periodical reports;

o       promoting best practices in terms methods and measures within the process of privatisation and deregulation;

o       an open space for mutual assistance and solicited consultation offered by experienced EU experts;

o       an evolving and updated guidelines for enforcing deterrent and transparency policies. 





Hall Cerchez - Cotroceni Palace

Bucharest, ROMANIA

7 March 2005


9:30 – 10: 20 The Great Reception CERCHEZ Hall (Cotroceni National Museum). Official Openings

delivered by Mr. Theodor STOLOJAN, Presidential Counsellor, former Prime Minister

delivered by H.E. Mr. Fernand Kartheiser, Ambassador of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg


Co-moderators: Prof. Dr. Theodor Viorel MELESCANU, Vice President of the Romanian Senate

                         Mr. Mihai FERARIU, Av. , Honorary Council of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg

10:20 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 12:30 Thematic Workshops:

a)       in the CERCHEZ  Hall addressed to big international and Romanian companies:

b)      in the German Living Room addressed to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs):

Co-moderators: high representatives of the Romanian Competition Council, EU Pre-accession Counsellors, Ministry of Public Finances and Ministry of European Integration

12:30 – 13:30  (alternative)– the German Living Room – Press Conference: the evaluation of the European Conference and the launching of the Special Report

12:30 – 13:30  (alternative)Guided visit of the Cotroceni National Museum

13:30 – 15:00 Central Hall – Lunch (Buffet)

15:00 – 17:00 The Great Reception CERCHEZ Hall Round Table: “Perspectives and Responsibilities of the Romanian Business Environment before Romania’s Accession to the European Union – aspects concerning the legislative regulations, the implementation and promotion of the good practices on a more competitive market.

17:00 – 18:00 The Great Reception Hall CERCHEZ The First Edition of Awarding the CEFTAC PLATFORM Trophies:

The Trophies of the CEFTAC Platform for:

  • the most transparent conduct of a company in the field of competition;

  • the most performant management in favour of an indigenous successful brand;

  • the most credible PR/Media campaign in favour of increasing the competitiveness for a product/offer of services;

  • the most efficient media organisation in supporting a fair European competition;

  • the best law/consulting company in the field of competition law;

  • the most flexible company/banking scheme aimed to support the development of Romanian companies.


(The list of nominations is available at the "Trophy"section of the CEFTAC Platform)

§         Vin d’Honneur


·       on the behalf of the PRESIDENCY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, represented by the Great Duchy of Luxembourg:

H.E. Mr. Lawyer Mihai FERARIU, Honorary Consul


·       on the behalf of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bucharest:

H.E. Mr. Ambassador Jonathan SCHEELE


·       on the behalf of the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands:

H.E. Mr. Pieter Jan WOLTHERS, Ambassador


E.S. Mr. Leif Arne ULLAND, Ambassador


Mr. Tomasz SUPROWICZ , Prim Counsellor


·       on the behalf of the Hungarian Embassy:

Mr. Ferenc BOGAR, Counsellor


·       on the behalf of the Hungarian Competition Authority:

Mrs. Andreea BELENYI, Head of Section


·       on the behalf of the Romanian Presidency:

Prof. Dr. Theodor Dumitru STOLOJAN, Presidential Counsellor


·       on the behalf of the Senate of Romania:

Prof. Dr. Theodor Viorel MELESCANU, Vice-president


·       on the behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Mr. Valentin NAUMESCU, Secretary of State


·       on the behalf of the Ministry of Integration:

Mr. leonard ORBAN, Minister-Delegate


·       on the behalf of the Ministry of Public Finances – DG State Aids – Unfair Practices:

Mr. Victor PATRULESCU, General Director

Mr. Dan PANTEA, Deputy General Director


·       on the behalf of the Romanian Competition Council:

Mr. George MUSLIU, State Secretary, Vicepresident


·       on the behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Romania and Bucharest:

Mr. Jose IACOBESCU, Prim Vicepresident


·       on the behalf of the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce:

Mr. Mihai BALASANU, Executive Director





   The Organising Committee of the European Seminar:


  Main Organiser: EUROLINK - House of Europe Foundation in Bucharest

Official Partners:


   Romanian Competition Council

   Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Romania and Bucharest

   British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce


   Romanian National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANRC)

   National Association of Internet Service Providers – Romania (ANISP)

   National Museum Cotroceni




Associate Partner



   Main Sponsors:


   Holcim (Romania) SA

   ING Romania

   Philip Morris Romania

   La Strada

Technical Sponsors:




   Biroul de Imagine


Media Partners:


   Afaceri Europene


   BURSA Press Group



   Comunicatii Mobile

   Evenimentul Zilei

   Radio Mix

   Romanian Business Journal




For your information, please find below a selective list of the institutions, companies and organisations, which joined the CEFTAC Platform and express their interest to participate to the European Seminar:






Main issues



Press Release
