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Acknowledgment: The activities, public events and meetings of EUROLINK - House of Europe have been possible through the partnership or the kind support of important international, European and Romanian public and private organisations such as:
as well as: BCR, “Vasile Deleanu - Attorneys at Law”, GTZ, “Hahui & Asociates”, HOLCIM Romania, LAFARGE Romania, ING Bank, Metroul SA, “Muşat & Associates”, “Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen”, PETROM, Phaeton Gala, Philip Morris, “Popovici & Associates”, and others. |
Chronology of main activities and projects (since 1997)
EUROLINK - House of Europe Foundation |
Main projects
November European Competition and Competitiveness Day in Romania (ed. V) - Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest
October Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group XI)
October Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - Extraordinary Session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects. The event took place at World Trade Center Bucharest, during the first edition of the National Fair "EconomicFest"
June Ombudsmanul Fondurilor Europene - non-profit program organised within the Structural Funds Intelligence Unit and dedicated to the beneficiaries of European Funds
June Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group X)
June Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - fifth working session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects.
May Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group IX)
May Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - forth working session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects.
May Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - Extraordinary Session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects. The event was deployed during the European Week of SMEs.
March Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - second working session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects.
February Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group VIII)
February Incubator of Projects and European Affairs - first working session of the non-governamental initiative "Inter-active Workshop for Ideas, Innovative projects and Investments" - a new learning concept dedicated to all the entrepreneurs, managers, and training leaders in public and private sectors interested to implement European Projects.
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
August Co-operation support for the elaboration of the first phase of the "National Strategy of Spa Tourism Development in Romania"
July "National Strategy of Spa Tourism Development in Romania" - Launching Conference - Snagov Palace
March ROVIGO TIMIS Launching Conference - presentation of the advantages of preventing the insolvence of companies and the use of Structural Funds.
2008 |
Main projects
November Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group VII)
November European Competition and Competitiveness Day in Romania (ed. IV) - Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest
October Special Training and Counselling Session for investment projects of SMEs and big companies - Bucharest
September Special Training and Counselling Session for investment projects of SMEs and big companies - Predeal
July Working Lunch & Workshop "A new vision for Romanian tourism. What opportunities for investors in the context of acceding the European Funds? When, how and if really could we rebrand Romania and which are the relaunching opportunities for the national tourism industry? - Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest
July Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group VI)
May European Conference of Good-Practices Transfer "Developing a culture of co-operation and partnership for the correct and transparent use of EU Funds in Romania" - Casa Radio Romania, Bucharest
May Training Session "The particularities and challenges of the project cycle management and public procurements for investment projects within the Structural Funds schemes. Study-case on the technical and architectural design components in the infrastructure projects" - Bucharest
April Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group V)
March Strategic Partnership Consortium (CPS) launching conference: "The pathway of a European Project - from proposal to success. An insight from the consultant's point of view" - Grand Hotel Marriott, Bucharest
February Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group IV)
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
March International Annual Symposium "2008 EU Funds: ERDF – ESF – EAFRD – EFF. Efficient Allocation and Management of EU Funds First Experiences in the programming period 2007-2013” - international conference organised by European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law (Berlin)
February International Conference "Together we are stronger? Harmonising the fight against fraud and corruption in Europe" - event organised in Cologne (Germany) by Dbb Akademy and co-financed by OLAF
2007 |
Main developed projects
December Civic & Business Forum on the Stimulation of the Absorption of EU Funds - World Trade Center, Bucharest
November European Competition and Competitiveness Day in Romania (third edition) - Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest
November Training Session "How to write an application for projects with Structural Funds, especially for projects in the field of tourism and hospitality services - challenges, risks and keys to success" - Bucharest
October Intensive Training Programme "Managementul proiectelor finanţate din Fondurile UE post-aderare" - Bucharest
September-December Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group III)
August-September Summer School for Project Managers and Consultants for projects with Structural Funds - second edition, Sovata
July Summer School for Project Managers and Consultants for projects with Structural Funds - first edition, Constanţa
May-June Regional Fairs of the Projects with Structural Funds - public debates and training sessions (3 days) dedicated to the Structural Funds in Romania (Braşov, Iaşi)
April-July Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group II)
April Regional Fairs of the Projects with Structural Funds - public debates and training sessions (3 days) dedicated to the Structural Funds in Romania (Sibiu, Timişoara)
March Intensive Training Sessions - series of intensive training sessions (1-2 days) focused on the main topics of Structural Funds project management (Bucharest)
February-May Mid-term on line Courses dedicated to Experts and Consultants on Structural Funds Projects (Group I)
January-February Regional Public Debates - series of public debates on the opportunitz of realising a social-market economy through absorbing the European Structural and Cohesion Funds (Arad, Oradea, Braşov, Târgu Mureş, Zalău)
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
November Spa Business Event (Bucharest) - organised by ModoSpa (Bucharest)
October Forum "Bune practici in turismul romanesc" (ed. III) - event organised by ANAT (Bucharest)
March International Symposium "2007 EU Funds: New Funds - New regulations - international conference organised by European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law (Berlin)
2006 |
Main developed projects
November Second Edition of the EUROPEAN COMPETITION and COMPETITIVENESS DAY in ROMANIA, event organised under the Honorary Patronge of the EU Presidency, with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Romania and the Chamber of Deputies.
November Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Sinaia
October Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Bucharest
October Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Deva
July Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Sighişoara
May Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Constanţa
May Second Edition of the CEFTAC GALA, foreworded by the organisation of the European Seminar: The Social-Economic Impact of Romania’s Accession on the New European Single Market. Views on the current EU accession process. - Bucharest
March Information and Training Session: "How to prepare the Romanian companies in view of the forthcoming integration on the European Single Market and on ways to access the Structural Funds" - Timişoara
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
May TIMM 2006 - participation, moderation of the debate on Structural Funds and launching the CD: "Fondurile Structurale pentru Întreprinderi Mici şi Mijlocii şi Cooperaţie. Mod de întrebuinţare, provocări şi oportunităţi”
June PROFINN 2006 - participation and moderation of the debate on Structural Funds.
June Forum - "Afaceri Europene, Leadership şi Dezvoltare Durabilă în Euroregiunea Timişoara-Novisad-Arad-Szeged"
2005 |
Main developed projects
December Sesiuni de Informare si Training la Institutiile Europene (Bruxelles, Belgia)
November Dezbatere Publica: Aspecte concurentiale in noul Cod Fiscal al Romaniei. Dezbatere publica asupra noului sistem propus de accizare si fixare de preturi minime in industria tutunului, alcoolului si cafelei (Bucuresti, Hotel Marriott)
June Proiectul International Ecumenic TOTUS TUUS: Concept muzical omagial al Maestrului Gheorghe ZAMFIR in memoria PAPEI IOAN PAUL al II-lea (Bucuresti, Ateneul Roman)
May Seminar European de Training: Concurenta in turism si in serviciile complementare sectorului turistic in perspectiva integrarii economiei romanesti in Piata Unica Europeana (Mamaia, Hotel SunQuest)
March European Seminar: Prospects and Tasks of the Romanian Economic Environment before the Accession of Romania to the European Union (Bucuresti, Palatul Cotroceni)
2004 |
Main developed projects
October THE PREPARATION OF ROMANIAN COMPANIES AND ENTERPRISERS FOR THE NEW EUROPEAN COMPETITION. Experiences of implementation of the aquis communautaire in the field of competition on the Single Market - PHARE small project in co-operation with the Romanian Competition Council, supported by the European Commission.
April PRIMA EDIZIONE DELLA SETTIMANA ROMENO-ITALIANA DELLA GIOVENTU - first edition of a common initiative of EUROLINK - House of Europe, "Jack London" Institutes (Martina Franca/Manduria, Italy) and "FORUM ITAL-ROM" Association (Honorary President: Pasquale Nessa, MP), aimed to bring together young people within various exchange programs and internships, to be organised on the basis of the already concluded institutional twinnings between Romanian and Italian schools.
February MATE: Mobility in the AGE - especially for Women and for Citizens in Regions with dramatic social Changes - through Exchange, one year European project aiming at fostering the interest in mobility among elderly persons at an European level. The project was initiated by ReFIT e.V. (Germany).
2003 |
Main developed projects
July CHALLENGES, REFORMS AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES RESULTING FROM THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION WORKS. How to design effective public affairs schemes and lobbying techniques in the future European Union - first training session of the EU PROCESS ACADEMY, a complex information/educational project involving the Western region of Romania and its cross-border neighbours.
National Histories in SEEC and History of a United
Europe - deploying the second training session and a Final Workshop within the
project. The project is aimed to establish a functional South-Eastern European student and
alumni network on long-term in the field of History Studies, dedicated to change the
perspective on the contribution and history of minorities in the region, the introduction
of the European principles, values and practices within the academic life and the
dissemination process of national history - one year project;
Sponsors: Open Society Institute
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
October The Executive President and the Secretary General of EUROLINK - House of
Europe participated to the fifth edition of the EUROCAPITALS Network Meetings,
held in Helsinki and organised by the European Movement in Finland.
February Two represenatives from Timisoara took part to the international Conference: "The Transatlantic Relations on the Test Bench", organised by the European Academy in Otzenhausen (Germany).
February International Conference: "Etnografia e Cultura Educativa" - the third international meeting of the European Society for the Institutional Analysis (SEEE) in Italy. The Executive President of the House of Europe, Mr. Sever Avram, held a lecture within the conference.
February International Public Debate: "Le ragioni della Guerra, le ragioni della Pace", organised by the Local Council of Manduria. The Executive President of the House of Europe, Mr. Sever Avram, held a lecture on the topic: "The ways to avoid the war in Irak".
2002 |
Main developed projects
July/November National Histories in SEEC and History of a United
Europe - deploying a Seminar and the first training session within the project.
The project is aimed to establish a functional South-Eastern European student and alumni
network on long-term in the field of History Studies, dedicated to change the perspective
on the contribution and history of minorities in the region, the introduction of the
European principles, values and practices within the academic life and the dissemination
process of national history - one year project;
Sponsors: Open Society Institute
Europeanisation Opportunity for Romania through
Promoting the Social-Economic Regional Development and Diversity - research
project, initiated in September 2001, financed by the European Commission, within
the programme called: "Support for European integration activities organised by
the academic world". The objective is to elaborate a research synthesis study
aimed to emphasize: the present regional specificity/diversity of the countrys
regions; the possibilities of a functional reconversion of the traditional social-economic
development models of each Romanian historic region; a package of recommendations, able to
relaunch a coherent process of modernisation, in the context of administrative
descentralisation and of the cohesive/solidarity policies promoted by the European Union;
Sponsors: European Commission.
Introducing Principles on European Governance. Lobbying
Processes and the European Union - a practical introduction to advocacy/lobby
techniques and the emerging decision-making process within a global governance, in
according with the European White Paper on Good Governance of the European
Sponsors: European Commission, Royal Netherlands Ambassy, Stability Pact
for South Eastern Europe, ALPHA Bank, Romanian Central Bank (BNR).
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
December "3 A's to connect citizens to the EU" - European Forum of the Euro Citizens Advice Services (ECAS) in Brussels, Belgium
November "Citizens' rights in Europe" - European seminar organised by House of Europe in Graz, Austria
October "The project method in multilingual and multicultural groups a self-experience" - European conference for teachers, organised by the House of Europe in Aurich (Germany).
September "Uprising in the GDR: June 17th, 1953, the Cold War and International Relations", international conference organised by the European Academy in Otzenhausen (Germay).
September "La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales: Garantía de Ciudadanía Europea", European event on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, organised by House of Europe in Caceres (Spain).
July "Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962" - International Conference organised by the European Academy in Otzenhausen.
June "YOUTH 2002" - European Youth Event organised by the International Education Center (IUC-Europe) in Denmark.
May "Popular Heros" - Cultural, Artistic and Sport Meetings of the young Europeans, within the third edition of the program, organised by European Movement France and House of Europe in Yvelines (France), in Chatou.
April "Changing Security: A New Role of the European Commission", organised by the European Academy Wien, in Baden.
April "International Girls Seminar" - seminar international pentru tinere fete, organizat de Casa Europei din Aurich, la care au participat patru reprezentante ale organizatiei noastre.
March "Discuss - determine - decide together! European Governance in young people's eyes" - international spring conference of FIME, organised by the General Secretariat of FIME.
January "The role of the media in the process of democratization, stabilizing and reconstructing the SEE region" - European Seminar organised by the European Academy in Viena, within the SCENE Network, for young journalists from South Eastern European Countries.
2001 |
Main developed projects
November "Public Relations in Practice" - short training session organised in co-operation with European Confederation for Public Relations (CERP), dedicated to senior staff/employees in PR/Communication Departments, spokepersons of small and medium size companies and other senior practitioners working in public relations area.
September "Europeanisation opportunity for Romania through promoting the social-economic regional development and diversity" - research project financed by the European Commission, within the programme called: "Support for European integration activities organised by the academic world". The objective is to elaborate a research synthesis study aimed to emphasize: the present regional specificity/diversity of the countrys regions; the possibilities of a functional reconversion of the traditional social-economic development models of each Romanian historic region; a package of personalised recommendations, able to relaunch a coherent process of modernisation, in the context of administrative descentralisation and of the cohesive/solidarity policies promoted by the European Union.
June "The Vocation of Central and Eastern European National/Regional Capitals in Accelerating the Accession of the Candidates-States to the European Union" - a first Pan-European Conference of the High Representatives of Local/Regional Public Authorities & Europe Houses, establishing the REGENT Centre. A second Meeting on European Governance was held in Sinaia, between 25-28 April 2002.
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
December "Putting Euro in Action! Options for European Youth" - international seminar dedicated to the launching of Euro coins and notes, organised by JEF - European Young Federalists in Frankfurt, Germany
December "Euro - our new currency" - international seminar dedicated to the launching of Euro and implications for the EU enlargement process, organised by Graz House of Europe in Innsbruck, Austria.
November "South-Eastern Forum of Cities and Regions. Promoting partnerships with cities and regions of SEE" - international conference on promoting the partnership between cities and regions in South Eastern-Europe, organised by the Congress of Local and Regional Powers in Europe in Istanbul,Turkey.
November "Europe in Class - Own and foreign in Europe. Cultural possessions as a cause for conflict?" - international seminar dedicated to the methodological approach regarding the teaching of European history and European institutions in Central and Western Europe, organised by Graz House of Europe in Graz, Austria.
October "Eurocapitals Forum" - international conference aimed to faster the accession of former communist capitals and States towards the European integration and historical reconciliation, organised by European Movement (France), in Paris, France.
October "Youth Regional Policy. Looking Together for Future Co-operation" - international conference aimed to establish an informational network between SEE countries, organised by Youth Consultative Centre in Kustendil, Bulgaria.
October Launching of the "European Citizen's Network" (EUROPA JETZT!), initiated in Berlin, Germany and co-ordinated by Dr. Horst Grützke. The European Citizen's Network is an initiative of Europe House Land Brandenburg, member of FIME, and it is an independent European association for men and women decided to think and to work for Europe. The Network is aimed to establish the Permanent Platform of the Civil Society in Europe.
October "The peoples of Europe - their history and civilization" - 14th International Conference dedicated to the cultural haritage of Europe and its peoples, organised by Thessaloniki House of Europe in Thessaloniki, Greece.
October "Autumn FIME Congress" organised by the FIME Secretary General Office (Saarbrucken), in Othzenhausen, Germany. EUROLINK - House of Europe in Bucharest was accepted as a full member of FIME and participated to the general and network elections.
October "Union and Reunion: The challenges and possibilities of the enlargement based upon the German viewpoint and experiences" - international seminar organised by IUC - Internatioanl Educational Centre, Denmark and JEF-International in Berlin, Germany.
September "The Youth - Factor for overcoming the poverty on the Balkans" - international youth seminar on the role of the young generation in building up the Balkans, organised by the Family 21st Century Foundation in Sozopol, Bulgaria.
September "The European Club - A network for dialogue" - project initiated in Romania by our organisation at the suggestion of Mr. Ivo Stanek, Director of HVB-Austria. The European Club is an informal platform created with the goal of bringing together businessmen on a national level, who are interested in discussing European topics.
September "The Regional NGO Fair" - South-Eastern European NGO Fair for Romanian and SEEC organisations, organised by the Regional Center for Democracy in Timisoara, Romania.
August "European Academic Forum of the Youth Parliament (PEJ)" - international event for young people simulating the works of the European Parliament, organised by French branch of the Youth European Parliament in Marseille, France.
July "Harmony in Europe" - international conference for young people resulting in the establishing of an information network, organised by Munchen Center for Political Studies in Munchen, Germany.
July At the invitation of our partner institution in the United Kingdom, Center for Europe in London, the Municipality of Bucharest joined the important pan-European organisation called EUROCITIES, located in Brussels and appointed Ms. Ivona Merca as representative of the General Mayor of Bucharest to this organisation. An official visit of the General Mayor to the Eurocities was realized latter.
June/August "International Youth Camps" - active holiday, conversational English courses and environmental actions for young people, organised by Youth Services Centre (GSM) in Antalya/Bursa/Canakkale/Ismir/Samsun, Turkey.
June "Democracy and the information revolution, values, opportunities and threats" - IDEA Democracy Forum, an international conference aimed to debate the new challanges for democracy in both developed and third world countries, deployed in Stockholm, Sweden.
May "Cultural and Sport Meetings" - celebration of the Europe Day (9th of May) within the Europes Days For European Youth Program, organised by European Movement-France in Chatou (Paris region), France.
April "Back in Europe, on paths to democracy. The role of education in the process of democracy" - international event aimed to increase the interest of young people toward democracy in Europe, organised by Aurich Europe House in Aurich, Germany.
April "See you tomorrow" - the founding conference of the SCENE Network (South and Central European Network), supported by the Stability Pact, FIME, the European Commission and the Federal Government of Austria. The objectives of the SCENE FIME Network are to deepen and expand the cooperation, in order to make their measures and programs accessible to a larger circle of citizens on the one hand, and in order to make their material and non-material resources available for mutual use and make common access to new resources possible, on the other hand. The network is co-ordinated by the European Academy in Wien and chaired by Dr. Erich Wendl.
March "The Responsibility of European Youth, especially regarding the EU Enlargement towards the East" - FIME International Spring Conference for young Europeans, organised by the FIME Secretary General Office (Saarbrucken), in Othzenhausen, Germany.
2000 |
Main developed projects
December "Romanian Bus for a United Europe" - participation to the European Citizen Forum 2000, which took place under the High Patronage of Her Excellency Mrs. Nicole Fontaine, the President of the European Parliament, with a Romanian youth delegation of 90 persons. As a preparation to this event, we organised a Round Table in co-operation with the Romanian-American University on "The stage of negotiations of the Romanian accession to the EU"(guest speaker: H.E. Mr. Aurel-Ciobanu Dordea, Secretary of State/Head-Negociator of the Romanian Government).
October "Introducing Civic Education in Romanian High-Schools" - educational project for implementing a curricula on civic education for Romanian high schools (Xth and XIth grade), in co-operation with Institute for Training and Development (USA), Department of State of the USA, Embassy of USA in Romania.
September "European Studies Research Initiative" - project aimed to establish a European Study Centre at the Faculty of European Economic Integration Studies of the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.
August "Young Leaders Initiative for Historical Reconciliation (RYHIL). Introduction to Conflict Prevention and Negotiations Techniques Adapted to the Balkan Post-War Context" - short international training session on conflict prevention and negotiations techniques for young leaders from South-Eastern Europe, organised in co-operation with Kontakt der Kontinenten (the Netherlands), member of the European Platform for Conflict Transformation and Alliance for conflict Transformation (USA). The participants launched a Young Leaders Initiative for Historical Reconciliation and established an information network, advocacy and lobby at the civil societies level from the whole region in order to generate a series of training programs, consultancy and early warnings projects.
May "Romanian Voice within the New Europe" - public event (250 beneficiaries), including debates, stand presentation, simulation games, reception, dedicated to Europe Day (9th of May), organised in co-operation with the Emassies of Sweeden and Portugal, the National Council of Film Industry, the Romanian-American University, ARDOR and AEGEE.
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
September "Helsinki Summer School" - academic program within University of Helsinki on various fields, including economics, politics, conflict prevention, ethics etc.
September "Nations and the European Union in the Third Millenium" - International Paneuropean Conference, aimed to proclaim a Declaration in favor of the enlargement process of EU, organised by Hungarian Pan-European Union in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary.
September "The Regional NGO Fair" - South-Eastern European NGO Fair for Romanian and SEEC organisations, organised by the Regional Center for Democracy in Timisoara, Romania.
May "Romanian Mid Term Economic Development Strategy" - a public debate organised in co-operation with the National Association for Public Services (ANPPGCL).
April "Consumer protection in Europe" - international seminar co-organised with the Maison Douaisienne de lEurope for decision-makers in consumer protection issues.
1999 |
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
August "Summer University Europe 2000" - one-week annual International Seminar in the field of European institutions, education and history. Our institution contributed every year since 1999 with lecturers and young participants to this Summer University, organised by Europe House Zagreb in Selce, Croatia.
July "SIDU 'Better Together' Summer School" - international summer school for young NGO/political leaders and roma people, organised by CIVITAS-Foundation for Civil Society (Cluj) in Sumuleu-Miercurea Ciuc, Romania.
1998 |
Main developed projects
December "Euro-Romania Bulletin" - launching a magazine in English language, published by the Interdisciplinary Reflection Group (IRG), a Romanian think-tank assembling experts in European integration, aimed to explain and disseminate the European Idea in Romania and to evaluate the Romanian pre-accession strategy to the EU. A special section is dedicated to the contributions coming from students and young specialists in European issues.
August "Romanian Career Opportunities Counseling (ROCOCO)" - a permanent advisory and training series of activities of the "EUROLINK Excellence Centre" of the Youth and Student Department, designed to improve professional abilities, consolidate work motivations and increase access to European labor market of students and young graduates.
August "Romanian - British Exchange Partnership" - project offering work experience internships to Romanian students and young graduates in Great Britain, in co-operation with Trident Transnational (London, UK), the Educational Department of the UK Government and the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate, aimed to improve individual abilities and professional capabilities of the participants.
May "Cross-Border Co-operation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises" - project in co-operation with the Foundation for Market Economy (FME) from Budapest (Hungary), the Center for Economic Development (CED) from Bratislava (Slovakia), supported by Freedom House, under the auspices of the Regional Networking Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
November "Christian Democracy and Civil Society" - international seminar organised by Foundation for International Solidarity Eduardo Frei and the Romanian center for Communication (CRC), in Snagov, Romania
July "London - New Opportunities of Mobility in Europe" - international seminar for young people debating labor conditions in the EU and in the Candidate Countries, organised by the Berlin European Academy in London, UK.
June "Origins, Kinds and Manifestations of Aggressiveness and Violence" - international seminar organised by Casa de Europa de La Mancha, Casa de Europa en Caceres, Fundacion CIVIS and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Caceres, Spain.
1997 |
Main developed projects
March "Euro-Club" - establishing the Euro-Club of the House of Europe as a constant type of informal get-together evnts, including informal debates, meetings with public personalities, lectures given by European experts and professors, social events, active short holidays in different locations etc. This Club is open to all people interested to make more visible the European idea in Romania and to foster the Europeanisation of Romanian civil society.
Participation and co-operation within national/international projects
October "The Social Dialogue in the context of the Pre-accession Process to the UE" - training sessions dedicated to the employer organizations, in co-operation with the National Foundation of Young Managers, organised in Mamaia, Olanesti and Busteni, Romania.
August "Regional Exchange Program" - youth exchange program for decision-makers, political leaders and NGO leaders, organised in co-operation with National Forum Foundation, School of Political Studies in Budapest (Szazadveg).
June "Eurobus AIESEC Romania" - simulation game program regarding the enlargement process negotiation within the European Council in Amsterdam, organised in co-operation with AIESEC and ELSA in Bucharest, Romania.
May-June "Bucharest - Amsterdam - Madrid Express" - round tables, seminars and public events program. Study, communication, political lobby and promotion program in favor of the strategy of pre-accession of Romania to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures, organised in co-operation with Research Institute of Romanian-German Studies in Bucharest, Romania.