On the occasion of the anniversary of
CIO-SUERD "Jean Bart" and CLDR Platform
High Level EUSDR Stakeholders, Managers and Experts Reunion
The Role and new opportunities for economic recovery of Romania
in the context of the EU innovation policies through the Danube Region Hub
Palace of the Parliament - Senate of Romania - 25 September 2014
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the EUSDR International Honorary Chair "Jean Bart" (CIO-SUERD), founded with the kind support of the Romanian Minister of Education and Research and in partnership with the Romanian Academy, and also of one year existence of the Platform for Local Communities along the Danube River (CLDR Romania), we are glad to invite you to attend the High Level EUSDR Stakeholders, Managers and Experts Reunion, to take place at the headquarters of the Senate of Romania - Palace of the Parliament - "Constatin Stere" Hall, on the 25th of September 2014.
The reunion has mainly an impact evaluation character and it is practical and interactive. The few best practices show-cases will be followed immediately by a procedure of "public hearings" in order to improve both the internal framework of incentives and the financing of consortia partnerships / clusters and to promote the exchange of information and cooperation in the Danube and the Black Sea countries.
At this event, we invited leading decision-makers, prestigious specialists and representatives of high level stakeholders from various Danubian/Romanian entities, in order to present brief reports on the development of Romanian and Danubian clusters, and especially the opportunities of extension and deepening of their current pragmatic projects and initiatives.
The events enjoys the presence of distinguished guests such as: Dr. Kurt PUCHINGER, EUSDR Institutional Capacity and Cooperation - PA 10 Coordinator (Vienna); Mr. Peter LANGER, General Coordinator of CoDCR (Ulm); Senator Marian VASILIEV - Chairman of the Committee for Equal Opportunities / Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation; Minister Plenipotentiary Carmen PODGOREAN - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - EUSDR National Coordinator.
The topic of the event is "The Role and new opportunities for economic recovery of Romania in the context of the EU innovation policies through the Danube Region Hub". We will focus on the stimulation of current or emerging synergies between small and medium sized investors, innovation - research experts from relevant universities and local public leaders/mayors motivated to involve in the stimulation of competitiveness in our Danubian macro-region.
On the basis of previous interventions and suggestions, an official Declaration-Call in favour of economic and social innovation at Danubian level will be launched. This document is open to the contribution and affiliation of other clusters, research-innovation centres, local communities, universities, professional Danubian and international associations within the cooperation framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and the European Innovation Agenda.
At the end of the event, we intend to reward the most current / emerging innovative clusters and initiatives in the context of the EUSDR implementation with the Diplomas of Excellence "Danube Innovative Clusters"
Provisional Agenda
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Palace of the Parliament - Senate of Romania - "Constantin Stere" Hall
(Entrance A1 – Calea 13 Septembrie)
- 13.30-14.00 Registration of participants
- 14.00-14.45 Greeting messages and introductory remarks on the behalf of the main European and Romanian partner institutions:
- Senator Marian VASILIEV - Chairman of the Committee for Equal Opportunities / Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
- Deputy Nicolae FLORIAN - Chamber of Deputies
- Dr. Kurt PUCHINGER - EUSDR Institutional Capacity and Cooperation - PA 10 Coordinator - Vienna
- Hans Peter HERDLITSCHKA - Competitivitate SUERD - Coordonator PA 8 - Baden Wurttemberg
- Minister Plenipotentiary Carmen PODGOREAN - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - EUSDR National Coordinator
- Costin LIANU - Director, Ministry of Economy
- Peter LANGER - General Coordinator of CoDCR
- Eric BARTHA - Secretary General of CoDCR
- Sever AVRAM - EUSDR International Honorary Chair "Jean Bart"
- Corina VULPES – Director, EximBank
- 14.45-15.00 Official announcement of the first association of Danubian cityhalls and universities in Romania - Platform of Local Communities along the Danube River (CLDR)
- 15.00-15.30 Wine tasting offered by Crama Darie and Ethic Wine.
- 15.30-16.30 Part I - Public Hearings: Executive Danubian clustering reports and presentations of best practices:
- Promotion of co-operation ways between the SME sector, research/academic environment and the benefits for the involved local communities
- What role can transnational co-operation play?
- What support should local and communities provide in order to strenghten the macro-regional co-operation?
Invited guest speakers:
Tudor NADRAG - Mayor of Harsova
Cristiana SIRBU - GIEDD Foundation
Christina LEUCUTA - Expert in industrial policies
Dragos SEULEANU - Fundatia pentru Democratie, Cultura si Libertate
Dr. Georgeta GHETE - CINAQ Association
Jamil BENABDALLAH - Detente Consultants
- 16.30-17.15 Part II: Further steps towards Danubian Projects and Affairs approach
- How to value the Romanian expertise through the network of the EUSDR Competitiveness & Training Centers within the CLDR Platform, as part of the Urban Platform Danube Region (Vienna)
- Concrete actions to produce the changing of the educational paradigm through the promotion of the entrepreneurial education and the unification of the Danube Studies curricula
- Proposal for establishing a National Centre of Competencess and Research in the filed of Cluster Management
- The relation between knowledge management and the increasing of the sustainability, marketing and fundraising capacities
Invited guest speakers:
Prof. Carmen COSTEA - Spiru Haret University
Prof. Petre PRISECARU - Word Economy Institute
Prof. Iolanda MIHALACHE - PartNET Association
Olivia COMSA - EURATOM European Expert
KMC Octavian SERBAN - Knowledge Management Institute/Knomacons Romania
17.15-17.30 Awarding Ceremony of the Diplomas of Excellence for the most innovative / emerging clusters in the context of the EUSDR implementation - "Danube Innovative Clusters"
- Beer tasting offered by Fabrica de Bere Buna "ZAGANU"
18.30 Cocktail Festiv oferit la Casei Dunarii - Secretariatul General al CoDCR.
The target audience of the event will consist of:
- representatives of the business environment / business professional associations / SMEs;
- representatives of research and innovation centres of universities/institutes
- national and bi-lateral chambers of commerce;
- regional networks and partnerships of private-public partnerships;
- cross-national projects and organisations;
- interdisciplinary academic groups;
- consulting agencies and associations;
- diplomatic representatives;
- journalists;
- NGO representatives.
Enrollment procedures:
The event will be opened to participants from all EUSDR countries.
The number of still available places: 15
Registrations are opened! Fill in the Enrollment Form and secure your place at the event!
Enroll NOW!
Associated Media Partners: National Press Agency AGERPRES, Nasul TV, TVH, ZiarulAlb.ro. Media Partners: Finantare.ro, FabricadeBani.ro, RO-BG.ro, CalendarEvenimente.ro, CaleaEuropeana.ro, Comunicatii Mobile, Opinia Nationala, SmartFinancial.ro, NewsChannel.ro, Tribuna Economica, ComunicateMedia.ro, Economie si Administratie Locala, Euroconsultanta-Ghidul Firmei, ClubAfaceri.ro, BrandInfo.ro, GhiseulBancar.ro, PRwave.ro, "EU-RO Clearing Funds".
For further details, please contact the Secretariat of the Organising Consortium:
phone/fax: (+4)