EUROLINK House of Europe in Bucharest is pleased to inform you that our organisation was welcomed as member institution of the Institute of International Education (IIE), H.Q. in New York (USA). IIE is the world leader in the international global higher education and exchange. The Institute is the administrator of the Fulbright Program, the US Government's premier public diplomacy initiative and provides training and development programs for public and private sector professionals around the world.
Through its network of offices in USA and all over the world, as well as through its members and institutional partners, IIE is organiser of democracy-building, civil society and human rights training initiatives in transitional societies, initiates projects that help students and scholars worldwide, including testing and advising, scholarships, and emergency financial assistance. The 250 programs managed by IIE are sponsored by strategic sponsors as the US State Department, World Bank, USAID, Ford Foundation, Governments of Brazil, Chile, Japan and Spain. IIE also receives contributions from US and foreign corporations, foundations, and individual supporters.
Through its Centre of Excellence, the House of Europe develops programs focused on:
career counselling,
assistance and advising for studying abroad,
linguistic internships with native teachers,
trainings and seminars for professional development,
ETS testing sessions dedicated to private and public companies and organisations in Romania (especially the TOEIC – Test of English for International Communication).
Pentru a beneficia de o evaluare gratuita in vederea candidaturii Dvs. la programele oferite in reteaua Institutului de Educatie Internationala, sunteti rugat/a sa completati fisa de preselectie de mai jos, la care este necesar sa atasati CV (max. 2 pagini - a se vedea modelul alaturat) plus o scrisoare de intentie (max. 500 cuvinte) in limba engleza sau/si romana.
Aplicatiile pentru urmatoarea sesiune de selectie trebuie transmise pana cel tarziu la data de 15 decembrie 2004. Aplicatiile transmise ulterior acestei date nu vor fi luate in consideratie. Nu se ofera informatii suplimentare prin telefon. Numai persoanele selectate pentru interviu vor fi contactate ulterior.
Oportunitati SUA |
Sesiunea decembrie 2004 |
Nume si prenume: | |||
Adresa postala/e-mail: | |||
Telefon/fax/mobil: | |||
Studii absolvite: | |||
Diplome si calificari obtinute: | |||
Limbi straine: | |||
Tipul de program dorit: | |||
Durata si perioada aleasa: | |||
Solicitare credit educational / consiliere acordare bursa: | |||
De unde ati aflat despre acest program: | |||
Va rugam sa transmiteti acest formular completat la adresa: |
Curriculum Vitae (sample)
Name ___________________________________________
Day of Birth ___________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
Nationality ___________________________________________
Sex ___________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________
Education ___________________________________________
Work Experience ___________________________________________
Extracurricular activities ___________________________________________
Interests ___________________________________________
Skills ___________________________________________
References ___________________________________________