Black Sea Basin - Danube Region:
New Financing for Social & Economic Sustainable Change
Previsional Agenda
First Day - 19 May 2011
Venue: Palace of the Parliament
"Salonul Brancovenesc" (Izvor Gate, S2 entrance)
09.30 - 10.15 Registration of the participants.
10.15 - 11.15 Official Opening Ceremony
Greeting messages from:
- European Parliament - Committee on Regional Development - Mr. Petru LUHAN, MEP
- European Commission, Brussels - Directorate General MARE (Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) - Mrs. Daniela GRITTI
- Chairmanship of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) / MFA - Mr. Director Alexandru ENE
- National Coordinator - EU Strategy for the Danube Region - Director Viorel ARDELEANU
- Romanian Naval Forces - Dr. Corneliu BOCAI
- Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Mr. Vice-President Mihai ANDRITOIU
- the Honorary President of the EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation, Ambassador Dr. Liviu BOTA - Former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations
11.15 - 11.30 Networking session
Study Cases - Best Practices within the Regional Fair:
European Social Innovation for Naples (Italy)
A Case for Taking Risks to Foster Change - Euclid Network
European Institute for Innovation and Technology
Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) - a crucial way for implementing the Innovation Union Plan
Charpatian Tourism Cluster
A new innovative model through tourism development
Steinbeis Foundation
Steinbeis Network - as an international service provider in implementation-oriented knowledge and technology transfer towards Danube Region
National Foundation of Young Managers (FNTM)
Rural-Manager and RURAL-Antreprenor networks for social-economic innovation in Romania
11.30 - 13.30
Workshop 1.
"Social & Economic pro-Innovation EU Policies and Initiatives"
Starting form the new Europe 2020 Strategy, the workshop will debate the crucial directions, practical consequences and their implementation opportunities for the concerned countries referring to the recently adopted Innovation Union Plan of the European Commission, under the motto: "More jobs, improved lives, better society".
Main topics:
- the creation of new European public / private and public-private partnerships for innovation, as well as the financing opportunities provided by the "Social Innovation Europe" Initiative (launched in March 2011);
- the popularization of the ways to co-operate with the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (Budapest), in view of implement the new Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA);
- the establishing and implementation of the Innovation Single Market at EU level, advanced by the European Commission;
- the conditions for practical improvement of the innovative companies' access to financing and micro-financing;
- the reform of the research and innovation national and European systems.
Prof. Alexandru LAZESCU - President-Director General of the Romanian Television (TVR)
Mihai GROPOSILA - Vice-President, RADIOCOM
Maria SANDOR - President Advisor, EximBank
Catalin MARINESCU - President, ANCOM
Razvan ORASANU - Columnist "CAPITAL" magazine, ex-President AVAS
Florin SAGHI - Minister Counsellor, Director Schengen Department, MAI
Prof. Dr. Anda GHEORGHIU - President, Alternative Sciences Association in Romania
Lucian PARVOIU - Moderator TVR 2
14.30 - 16.30
Workshop 2.
"Sustainable Development through an Effective Regional Co-operation"
Based on the Regional Action Platform "Black Sea Synergy" and the new EU Strategy for the Black Sea adopted by the European Parliament, the workshop will focused on the current / future impact of the sectoral partnerships, of the actions of the regional networks in the Black Sea Basin, as well as of the practical potential available directions, made possible through the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
Main topics:
- ways of harmonization of the local and regional development policies in the concerned regions;
- how to better value the financial opportunities for creating new channels of communication, transport and trade in the region;
- relaunching the tourism through regional collaboration networks and initiatives;
- ensuring conditions for a joint preservation of the cultural patrimony and a better use of inter-cultural exchanges;
- the promotion of the sustainable development principles as a business strategy for recovering from the crisis, especially of the SME sector.
Daniela GRITTI - Policy Officer for Maritime Affairs in the Black Sea - DG MARE, European Commission (Brussels)
Viorel ARDELEANU - National Coordinator, EU Strategy for the Danube Region / Director, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jamil BENABDALLAH - evaluator for the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme / Senior Consultant - Detente Consultants group (Paris)
Aida CATANA - Senior Consultant, European Project Consulting
Dr. Rolanda PREDESCU - Director, ANCS - National Authority for Scientific Research
Sever AVRAM - Executive President of EUROLINK-House of Europe / Coordinator of EU-RO Clearing Funds Platform
16.30 - 17.00 Intermediary remarks and first day conclusions
Second Day - 20 May 2011
09.30 - 11.30
Workshop 3.
"Knowledge Management - profitable vector for innovation within the business companies and public organisations."
A special workshop and further Questions & Answers session given by the President-Director General of Polia Consulting Group (Paris), Dr. Jean-Yves PRAX, Head of the Master Degree Program in Knowledge Management at ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Administration - Paris), as well as Associated Professor to other prestigious universities in Japan and Italy.
Dr. Jean-Yves PRAX
- author of "Knowledge Management" Guide.
- consultant for organisations and companies such as: Council of Europe, OECD, Banque de France, Danone, L'Oreal, Gaz de France, Ubisoft, Renault, Societe Generale.
This special section is organised with the kind support of the Audit Authority (for the European Funds) within the Romanian Court of Accounts and the National Foundation of Young Managers (FNTM), coordinator of the POS DRU Strategic Projects: Rural-Manager and RURAL-Antreprenor.
Iulian MISERCIU - Director - Authority for the European Funds within the Romanian Court of Accounts
Valentin MIRON - Vice-President of the the National Foundation of Young Managers (FNTM)
11.30 - 13.00
Official Messages on the ocassion of the EU Maritime Day 2011 from DG MARE representative
Workshop 4.
"Dilemmas, Challenges and Perspectives of the Environmental Protection within Black Sea Basin and the Danube Region"
Following the creation in 2010 of the Black Sea Environment Partnership, the workshop aims to reveal the most significant initiatives, actions, funding programmes for a better implementation of the Convention on the Black Sea Protection against Pollution, as well as of the Strategic Action Plan concerning the Environmental Protection and the Rehabilitation of the Black Sea. The connections implied by the interferences between the key-directions of the EU Danube Strategy and the Environmental Cooperation in Black Sea Basin will be emphasized.
Main topics:
- the strengthening of the information and knowledge base regarding the challenges in the field of the functioning of the environmental protection systems in the Danubian and maritime areas;
- the concrete ways for encouraging the research and innovation projects consecrated to the preservation and protection of the naturally established patrimony;
- how to activate new initiatives and projects referring to the waste and waste water management systems;
- the concluding and the better use of the business partnerships within the Danube Region, including the cross cooperation between the public and private sectors, as well as attracting investments in strategic fields (environment, energy, transport).
Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexandru T. BOGDAN - Correspondent Member of the Academy of Romania / Vicepresident - Black Sea University Foundation / Director - Centre for Agro-Forestry Biodiversity Studies and Research of the Academy of Romania
Dr. Ionut PURICA - Executive Director of the Advisory Centre for Energy and Environment
Petra SZAVICS - Personal Counsellor - Ministry of Environment and Forests / Former Head of JTS Hungary-Romania Cross Border Programme 2007-2013
Mihai RADULESCU - Moderator TVR Info
Miroslav TASCU-STAVRE - President, Green Institute - Romania
13.00 - 13.30 Awarding Ceremony - The Trophy: "Black Sea - Danubian Social & Economic Innovator".
Amphitrion: Livia DILA - Romanian Television (TVR)
Wine tasting offerred by Carl Reh Winery
13.30 - 14.00 Final Remarks and Conclusions of the Regional Fair
Presentation of the "Black Sea - Danube Regional Network for Social & Economic Innovation"
15.00 - 17.00 (optional) Visit to the library of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute
Third Day - 21 May 2011
Tour to the cultural, scientific, historical and cultural objectives of the Capital of Romania.
Open Competition
A multi-national competition is officially launched in order to reward the most appealing and effective regional cooperation ideas, initiatives, project and networks, co-financed or to be financed by the European Funds in the Black Sea Basin / Danube Region.
Choose your category of interest from the options below: