Scientific Paper on the concept of Active Citizenship in South-Eastern Europe
Scientific paper elaborated by Mr. Sever Avram and Mr. Sandu Zamfirescu, presented on the occasion of the International Congress "Peoples and Cultures from Mediterranean Basin. Hellenic World", organised by CIVIS Foundation (Spain) in Greece, between 11-17 July 2004. For the Englkish version of the paper, click here
Research Study on the European Constitution
We have the pleasure to announce the publication of the collective antology entitled "One single Constitution for the EU". The book, published in 2001, by Leske - Budrich Verlag in Opladen, (Germany), contains a series of scientific studies about the introdruction of a unique European Constitution. This edition has been coordinated by Professor Heiner Timmermann, from the European Academy in Otzenhausen.
The position of the Romanian civil society regading the adoption af the futue European Constitution has been presented by Mr Sever Avram, Executive President of the EUROLINK - House of Europe in Bucharest through his research study "The European Constitution as Opportunity for a Fulfilled Citizenship".
Europenisation of Romania through Regional Development
A recently published research study of the Interdisciplinary Reflection Group (IRG), with the kind support of the European Commission, Directorate for Education and Culture. For the English version of the study, click here
Think-Tank activities of EUROLINK - House of Europe
A selective list of the research and training resources, documents of position and other useful information elaborated and disseminated within programs organised by EUROLINK- House of Europe is now available: click here