Interdisciplinary Reflection Group

INTERDISCIPLINARY REFLECTION GROUP (IRG) is an initiative that assembles a group of experts in European integration, designed to promote theoretical alternatives and practical solutions, aimed to accelarate the preparation of the integration process to NATO and EU.

Selective List of Think-Tank activities of EUROLINK

The IRG publishes its own magazine in English language, dedicated to explain and disseminate the European Idea in Romania and to evaluate the Romanian pre-accession stage towards EU.

The Interdisciplinary Reflection Group of the House of Europe recently conducted a research study on the "Europeanisation opportunity for Romania through promoting the Social-Economic Regional Development and Diversity". This research project was initiated in September 2001, and was financed by the European Commission.

Research Papers

A Scientific Paper elaborated by Mr. Sever Avram and Mr. Sandu Zamfirescu, was presented on the occasion of the International Congress "Peoples and Cultures from Mediterranean Basin. Hellenic World", organised by CIVIS Foundation (Spain) in Greece, between 11-17 July 2004. For the Englkish version of the paper, click here

The position of the Romanian civil society regading the adoption af the futue European Constitution has been presented by Mr Sever Avram, Executive President of the EUROLINK - House of Europe in Bucharest through his research study "The European Constitution as Opportunity for a Fulfilled Citizenship".  

The research paper "A Romanian Perspective on the EU Developing Reforms" was awarded by the Open Society Foundation in Romania and published in the volume: "Un concept romanesc privind viitorul Uniunii Europene", Polirom - Iasi, Romania, 2001.



Main issues



Press Release
