EUROLINK - House of Europe


Press Releases 2001-2003

12 March 2003
Rolul Timisoarei si Regiunii de Vest
in accelerarea integrarii Romaniei
28 April 2002
Lobby techniques and the
EU Governance Reform
20 April 2002
Lenzburg Declaration
on European Constitution

6 February 2002
cu Seful Delegatiei Comisiei Europene

4 November 2001
Forumul Oraselor si Regiunilor
din Europa de Sud Est

30 October 2001
College of the
National Agency of Civil Servants


Consiliul Director al Casei Europei “EUROLINK” din România, Membra a Federatiei Internationale a Caselor Europei (FIME), are placerea sa anunte organizarea unei Dezbateri Publice cu titlul “ROLUL TIMISOAREI SI REGIUNII DE VEST IN ACCELERAREA PROCESULUI DE INTEGRARE A ROMANIEI LA UNIUNEA EUROPEANA”, ce va avea loc in ziua de 24 martie 2003, intre orele 10:00-13:00, la Sala de Consiliu a Primariei Municipiului Timisoara. Aceasta dezbatere se bucura de Inaltul Patronaj al Primarului Timisoarei, Dl. Dr. Ing. Gheorghe Ciuhandu si are ca partener media Grupul de Presa FOCUS VEST.

Lucrarile vor fi onorate de prestigiosi experti si profesori in domeniul studiilor europene: Mr. Joaquim Pinto-Da-Silva (Expert European, Bruxelles), Prof. Florian Bieber (Universitatea Central Europeana, Budapesta), Prof. Vito D'Armento (Universitatea din Lecce, Italia), Dna Elena Santamaria(Asociatia Casa Romaneasca, Spania), precum si inalti reprezenanti ai consulatelor si centrelor culturale straine din Timisoara.

De asemenea, sunt invitate oficialitati din partea autoritatilor publice locale si judetene, precum si profesori, studenti, jurnalisti si personalitati ale societatii civile banatene.

Pentru conformitate,

In numele Consiliul Director al Casei Europei,

Sever Avram, Presedinte Executiv

The Executive Board of EUROLINK House of Europe is pleased to present and disseminate the text of the Declaration from Lenzburg (Switzerland) issued on the 20th of April 2002 concerning the constitutional future of Europe.

Taking into account the Suisse experience/model, the participants formulated important recommendations which were submitted to the attention of European decision-making bodies.

Please find bellow the final version of this Declaration. For other potential further questions, please contact the initiators of this project at

The Romanian version of this document was translated within the Public Relations Department of EUROLINK House of Europe and is available on request at:


The Swiss Constitutional History: A Source of Stimulating Ideas for the Future of Europe?

International Prospective Conference DECLARATION OF LENZBURG
Lenzburg Castle (Switzerland)
20th of April 2002

Tel. : +41 (0)62 888 01 00,
Fax : +41 (0)62 888 01 01,

The following authorities, institutions and businesses have been active supporters of the conference and have thus made an essential contribution to its realisation:




Private Enterprises:

The participants in the conference „Switzerland and Europe - The Swiss Constitutional History: A Source of Stimulating Ideas for the Future of Europe?",

Who assembled at Otzenhausen (D), at Lyon (F) and at Lenzburg (CH) in September and December 2001 as well as in April 2002

Upon the joint initiative of the Fédération Internationale des Maisons de l'Europe (FIME), Saarbrücken (D), and of the Maison de l'Europe transjurassienne (MET), Neuchâtel (Switzerland),

Firmly convinced that on the eve of its enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe the European Union finds itself in a decisive moment of its history,

Bearing in mind that the introduction of the Euro on the 1st of January 2002 as our day-to-day currency represents the climax of the economic integration of Europe intended by the European pioneers in the post-war era, and that this will largely contribute to bringing the Europeans closer to each other,

On the basis of a European social market economy as defined in the Treaty of Amsterdam and in the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe,

Taking into consideration that the European integration potential of the logics of international treaties is exhausted, that the gap between the EU and its citizens has become far too wide, and that an exclusively functionalist and economic form of integration can no longer sufficiently justify the legitimacy of European integration,

Delighted at the opening address of the Chairman of the EU Convention on the 28th of February 2002 in Brussels, by which he has attempted to prepare the ground for a constitution,

Underlining the need to guarantee the principle of sovereignty of the people on all political levels as much as the one of fundamental rights,

Convinced that the constitution is a unique opportunity for Europe, and that therefore many Europeans hope for establishing it as the basis for democracy,

Aware of the task to guarantee cohesion of the integral whole in its variety, and to achieve this goal by respecting the cultural, social and religious diversity of the states and peoples of Europe,

Convinced of the important challenges Europe is going to be confronted with in the international community, and of the need of a common foreign and security policy resulting from this,

Knowing for certain that the constitutional history of Switzerland and the country's broad experience in the area of federalism, protection of minority rights and direct democracy represents a source of stimulating inspirations for the reforms which the EU intends to pursue, however being aware of the important differences in respect of the size and history of both political entities,

1. Welcome the establishment of a Convention, the task of which is to examine the fundamental issues pertaining to the future of the EU, to formulate possible answers to this issue, and to open up a debate about these issues among the European citizens,

2. Call upon the EU, all Member States as well as their Parliaments and Heads of State and Government to use all means available to foster the process of a European Constitution,

3. Believe that the European Constitution is based on common European values, namely democracy, rule of law and division of powers, and that it guarantees fundamental rights, such as laid down in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and all other conventions adopted by the Council of Europe and the U.N.O.,

4. Recommend to confer to the European Parliament, representing the citizens, comprehensive co-operation and co-decision rights in all matters pertaining to the Union, as well as to introduce a second chamber representing the Member States, however ensuring that the Parliament shall have at least the same rights as the chamber of States,

5. Strive for the creation of a European Government which shall exercise government powers derived both from the common tasks of the Union and from the will to pursue a common foreign and security policy,

6. Demand a Constitution which has a federalist character enabling all Europeans to jointly contribute to the common project of Europe, and at the same time guaranteeing all Member States their autonomy and thus diversity in unity,

7. Suggest that this Constitution shall define a clear division of competences between the European level and the level of the Member States respecting the principle of subsidiarity,

8. Expect that the text of the European constitution shall create a new and consistent integral whole, comprehensible and accessible to all, and that it shall comprise more than just a revised version of the existing treaties,

9. Expect a broad public debate in all European States and their parliaments, and the consultation of all citizens of Europe, in particular the youth, as well as of the associations of civil society,

10. Demand that the draft version of the European Constitution shall be submitted for adoption to the citizens and to the Member States, and that it can thus become the foundation of the democratic legitimacy of the European Union,

11. Ask to consider that among others also the Swiss constitutional history is a source of stimulating ideas for the Convention and for the federalist European Constitution to shape the future of the EU.


On behalf of the organizers and participants in the conference
Switzerland and Europe - The Swiss Constitutional History: A Source of Stimulating Ideas for the Future of Europe?

Fédération Internationale des Maisons de l'Europe
Saarbrücken (D)
Arno Krause - President, Initiator of the project
Christophe Langenbrink - Assistant Secretary General
Maison de l'Europe transjurassienne
Neuchâtel (CH)
Jérôme Voumard - Vice-President
Jacques-André Tschoumy - Initiator and project leader

In co-operation with
Forum Helveticum, Lenzburg (CH), Federal Council and President Arnold Koller,
Paolo Barblan, Managing Director
Netzwerk Müllerhaus, Lenzburg (CH), Karin Büchli, Managing Director

In co-operation with
Wissenschaftliches Institut für Direkte Demokratie, St. Ursanne (CH), Andreas Gross
Treffpunkt Schweiz - Rencontres Suisses, Lausanne (CH), André-Lou Sugar

As well as
Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen (D)
Maison de l'Europe de Lyon (F)
Union Européenne des Fédéralistes Rhône-Alpes (F)
Union pour l'Europe Fédérale UEF-France (F)
Association Européenne des Enseignants AEDE Rhône-Alpes (F)
Europahaus Marienberg (D)



Between the 25th until the 28th of April 2002, EUROLINK - House of Europe in Bucharest, Member of the International Federation of the Houses of Europe, organised in Sinaia the first Seminar on "The Principles of Good Governance in the New Europe". The event was possible due to the kind support of FIME, the European Commission, the Netherlands Royal Embassy, as well as of other sponsors: ALPHA Bank Romania, the Regional Envoy’s Office of the Stability Pact in South-Eastern Europe, the Central and Eastern European Network "New Ways", the Romanian National Bank, the National Agency of Public Servants and Sinaia City Council.

For three days, trainers coming from the European Union and the United States of America, as well as other guest speakers, have debated on the changes proposed by the European Commission’s White Paper on European Governance, measures that regard the reform of EU institutions as well as the establishment of a coherent and effective Romanian lobby seeking the acceleration of preparations for integration in the Community’s bodies.

For conformity,

EUROLINK - House of Europe



Gratie invitatiei adresate Consiliului Director al Casei Europei din Capitala, recunoscuta oficial ca Membra din 1999 a Federatiei Internationale a Caselor Europei (FIME), unica organizatie federativa pan-europeana cu sedii in 32 de state, - creata cu scopul informarii si educatiei europene, avand Statut Consultativ la Consiliul Europei si fiind acrediata oficial de Uniunea Europeana -, de catre Seful Delegatiei Comisiei Europene la Bucuresti, E.S. Dl Ambasador Jonathan Scheele, in data de miercuri 6 februarie 2002, a avut loc, la sediul misiunii diplomatice respective, o intrevedere de o ora intre inaltul oficial al Comisiei Europene si reprezentantii Consiliului Director al organizatiei mentionate.

Precizam ca, de la data fondarii Casei Europei, in martie 1997, in pofida altor contacte la nivel inalt intre Casa Europei si oficiali ai Parlamentului European si ai Comisiei Europene, este pentru prima oara cand i s-a oferit conducerii acestei organizatii fericita posibilitate sa prezinte Delegatiei principalele rezultate ale activitatii sale anterioare in Romania si pe plan european, strategia sa de dezvoltare strategica in viitorul apropiat, in special in contextul necesitatii accelerarii negocierilor de aderare ale tarii noastre la UE, precum si rolul de catalizator si mediator jucat de organizatie, prin parteneriatul stabilit cu autoritatile centrale si locale, comunitatea de afaceri si alte organizatii europene si romanesti cu obiective similare.

Cu acest prilej, in prezentza responsabililor departamentelor de presa-informatii si programe europene ai Delegatiei, a avut loc un fructuos dialog referitor la asistenta generoasa acordata de UE sectorului neguvernamental din Romania, precum si la posibilitatile de crestere a contributiei aduse de FIME in Romania prin EUROLINK-Casa Europei la intelegerea procesului de pregatire a aderarii si a implicatiilor acestuia asupra societatii civile si a constructiei institutionale din tara noastra. In acelasi context, Delegatia Comsiei Europene i-a invitat pe reprezentantii Casei Europei ca, in baza experientei acumulate, sa se implice cat mai activ in dinamizarea dezbaterii publice legate de negocierile si costurile viitoarei participari a Romaniei la procesul de integrare europeana, inclusiv prin punerea cu remarcabila generozitate, la dispozitia participantilor, a facilitatilor Salii polivalente din cadrul noului sediu al Delegatiei la Bucuresti.

In incheiere, Presedintele Executiv al Casei Europei, Prof. Sever AVRAM, a exprimat sincera gratitudine pentru intrevederea acordata si a adresat gazdelor, la randul sau, invitatia ca Dl Ambasador Scheele si alti experti din cadrul Delegatiei Comisiei Europene sa onoreze si sa modereze activitatile prevazute sa aiba loc in cursul acestui an, organizate in favoarea sporirii in 2002 a sanselor de accedere a Romaniei in UE si in NATO.




In perioada 2-4 noiembrie 2001., sub genericul "Promovarea parteneriatelor cu orasele si regiunile Europei de Sud-Est", Congresul Puterilor Locale si Regionale din Europa (CLARE) de pe langa Consiliul Europei a organizat la Istanbul (Turcia) cel de-al 8-lea Forum Economic al Oraselor si Regiunilor din Europa de Sud-Est. Acest forum, organizat cu sprijinul Municipalitatii Metropolitane Istanbul, Ministerului de Interne al Turciei si al Fundatiei pentru Economie si Dezvoltare Durabila a Regiunilor Europei (FEDRE) a avut drept scop redefinirea relatiilor regionale si prezentarea experientelor relevante in domeniu, in noul context oferit de procesul extinderii U.E.

Din partea autoritatilor locale din Romania, in cadrul delegatiei oficiale au luat parte la dezbateri: Viceprimarul General al Capitalei, dl Calin Catalin Chirita, Presedintele Asociatiei Municipiilor din Romania, dl Emil Calota, Primar al Municipiului Ploiesti, Reprezentantul pentru relatia cu organizatia EUROCITIES din partea Primariei Genreale a Capitaliei, dra Ivona Merca, alti reprezentanti ai alesilor locali si judeteni.

Societatea civila din Romania a fost reprezentata de catre Casa Europei "EUROLINK" din Bucuresti, membra a Federatiei Internationale a Caselor Europei (FIME), Statut Consultativ la Consiliul Europei avand ca delegati la lucrari pe dl Sever Avram, Presedinte Executiv si pe dl Sandu Zamfirescu, Secretar General.

Cu aceasta ocazie, Presedintele Casei Europei a facut cunoscuta in randul participantilor fondarea Centrului Regional de Parteneriat APL-ONG pentru Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est, initiativa civica sprijinita de Primaria Generala a Municipiului Bucuresti si demarata cu prilejul Conferintei Pan-Europene organizata la Bucuresti in luna iunie anul curent, cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene, al FIME si al Fundatiei pentru o Societate Deschisa.

Primarii capitalelor si ceilalti participanti au adoptat textul unei Declaratii Finale. Aceasta evidentiaza partenerii prioritari si directiile de actiune recomandate pentru orasele si regiunile sud-est europene. Printre acestea, la loc de frunte, este subliniat sprijinul oferit de organizatiile non-guvernamentale, UE, CLARE, FEDRE si Secretariatul Pactului de Stabilitate in vederea promovarii parteneriatelor cu orasele din regiune. Sunt incurajate in mod deosebit implicarea a mai multor orase si regiuni in activitatile Asociatiei Agentiilor Pentru Dezvoltare Locala, creearea de noi "Euro-Regiuni", dezvoltarea cooperarii transfrontaliere si infiintarea unei Uniuni a Asociatiilor Autoritatilor Locale si Regionale in zona balcanica.

In spiritul acestei declaratii finale, reprezentantii Casei Europei au avut discutii separate menite sa contureze proiecte concrete de parteneriat si colaborare, ai caror beneficiare privilegiate sa fie autoritatile publice, locale, judetene si organizatiile regionale, reprezentate in cadrul Centrului de Parteneriat infiintat de Casa Europei, precum si funcitonarii publici din cadrul Agentiei Nationale a Functionarilor Publici, in Colegiul Consultativ al careia EUROLINK este reprezentata care lucreaza in serviciul acestor autoritati publice si organizatii. Intre reprezentantii institutiilor cu care au avut loc intrevedri separate amintim: Secretarul General si Adminstratorul CLARE, Presedintele FEDRE, Coordonatorul Programului de Guvernare al Misiunii OSCE in Bosnia-Hertegovina, Directorul Adjunct al Programmului de Cooperare Transfrontaliera al East-West Institute, Coordonatorul Departamentului de Dezvoltare Urbana, Infrastructura si Energie al Bancii Mondiale si Vice-Primarul orasului Barcelona.

Pe aceasta cale, Centrul de Parteneriat Regional al Casei Europei - EUROLINK reafirma intreaga sa deschidere de a initia noi forme de cooperare cu factorii decizionali ai autoritatilor locale si judetene, ai regiunilor de dezvoltare din Romania pentru transpunerea in practica a recomandarilor si obiectivelor Congresului Puterilor Locale si Regionale in Europa si accelerarea pregatirii in vederea aderarii a tuturor entitatilor locale si judetene, beneficiare ale programelor sprijinite de organizatiile europene si internationale partenere si finantatoare ale CLARE.




On the occasion of the Inaugural Meeting of the newly established COLLEGE of the NATIONAL AGENCY OF CIVIL SERVANTS (ANFP) under the aegis of the Government of Romania, deployed on October 30th, 2001, we have the pleasure to inform you that the Romanian NGO sector will be represented within this Consultative body through the inclusion of the House of Europe "EUROLINK", Full Member Organisation of the International federation of Europe Houses (FIME). We remind that FIME is the umbrella pan-European organsiation already represented in 32 Member Countries , specialised in providing European information and education programs to citizens. FIME is agreed and is mainly sponsored by the European Union from 1962, having a Consultative Status to the Council of Europe since 1962.

The activity of this COLLEGE is aimed to offer practical and theoretical solutions connected to the improvement of the Public Function and the status and professional training of civil servants.

The House of Europe considers its representation within the COLLEGE as a new recognition of its present efforts to vivify the role of the recent Regional Parnership Centre in Central and South-Eastern Europe, project launched on the occasion of the Pan-European Conference sponsored by the Open Society Institute, the European Commission, FIME and the Romanian Commercial Bank in June 2001



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Press Release
