EUROLINK - House of Europe


About the Campaign



romflag.gif     09 May 2003       euflag.gif

 romflag.gif 29 September 2003   euflag.gif

Press Release 

Join us!

Research Papers

EUROLINK - House of Europe is the National Coordinator of the Act4Europe Campaign in Romania
We strongly believe that the objectives of this advocacy and lobby campaign are highly important in the context of the whole EU enlargement process, in order to stimulate and increase the Romanian NGO contribution to the ongoing reforming process and prepare the emergence of a new Europe.


The campaign coordinators, both at European and national levels, met in Brussels on October 7th 2003, in order to debate and approve the new technical strategy for promoting the civil societies aspirations during the Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC) and especially through the final version of the European Constitution.
We will keep you informed about all future developments and public events, concerning the IGC and the contribution of the European Civil Society Contact Group, with a special focus on Romanian activities.

About the Campaign



Grupul de Contact al Societatii Civile este cea mai mare grupare de asociatii din Europa. El reuneste patru mari familii de asociatii/organizatii neguvernamentale - drepturi ale omului, social, mediu, dezvoltare - si Confederatia Europeana a Sindicatelor. Acest Grup a initiat CAMPANIA ACT4EUROPE, in vederea incurajarii implicarii tuturor cetatenilor, prin intermediul formelor asociative ale acestora, in dezbaterea asupra viitorului Uniunii Europene. Campania vizeaza mobilizarea societatii civile pentru a garanta o noua Europa transparenta, democratica, justa si care sa raspunda sperantelor si nevoilor cetatenilor sai.

Unul dintre obiectivele cheie ale Campaniei Act4Europe este sa asigure ca democratia participativa este ferm transpusa in noua Constitutie Europeana. Democratia participativa pleaca de la ideea ca, pentru a completa democratia reprezentativa, anume alegerile pentru Parlamentul European, cetatenii trebuie sa fie capabili sa joace un rol activ in dezvoltarea Uniunii Europene. Pentru a promova aceasta noua forma de democratie, s-ar cuveni ca societatea civila sa obtina garantarea de a fi consultata in procesul decizional. Aceasta implica o recunoastere a contributiei pretioase si constante pe care organizatiile neguvernamentale au adus-o in ultimele decenii conceperii politicilor UE, reprezentand diversitatea cetatenilor si a preocuparilor acestora.

Componenta Grupului de Contact al Societatii Civile



Scrisoare Deschisa adresata Membrilor Conventiei Europene din partea

Guvernului si Parlamentului Romaniei


REF: Garantarea Democratiei Participative in viitoarea Constitutie Europeana 

In cursul lucrarilor Conventiei Europene, organizatiile societatii civile au cerut, in mai multe randuri, ca viitorul Tratat sa recunoasca rolul lor in constructia unei Europe a tuturor. Acest Apel a fost in mod clar exprimat in timpul audierilor societatii civile de catre Conventia Europeana si reflecta scopul expus in Declaratia de la Laeken, in vederea apropierii cetatenilor fata de Uniunea Europeana. Asociatiile cetatenilor/organizatiile neguvernamentale joaca un rol cheie in conceperea, punerea in practica si evaluarea politicilor UE. Ele pot, de asemenea, sa arunce o punte intre cetateni si institutiile UE.

Totusi, in proiectul initial de Constitutie Europeana, in partea referitoare la viata democratica a Uniunii, prezentata de Vicepresedinte Conventiei Europene in 3 aprilie a.c., aceste obiective nu sunt atinse. In mod deosebit, proiectul articolului 34 nu stabileste un dialog garantat si structurat cu asociatiile cetatenilor/organizatiile neguvernamentale. Se pare ca s-a reusit ca articolul 34 sa se refere in mod explicit la dialogul cu partenerii sociali (sindicate si patronate), iar articolul 37 a stabilit un dialog cu bisericile si organizatiile neconfesionale. Salutam inserarea dialogului cu aceste grupuri, dar cerem ca articolul 34 sa garanteze dialogul cu organizatiile neguvernamentale, mentionand asociatiile cetatenilor.

Ca organizatie membra a Grupului de Contact al Societatii Civile, in cadrul Campaniei Act4Europe si Democratia Participativa, va cerem sa sustineti cererea noastra pentru un dialog garantat si stucturat cu toate organizatiile societatii civile si cu publicul, in toate etapele procesului educational si cu toate Institutiile Uniunii Europene. Dreptul la dialog trebuie sa fie stabilit pentru toti cei care sunt afectati de politicile UE. Cetatenii si organizatiile acestora trebuie sa aiba dreptul de acces la justitie prin Curtea Europeana de Justitie in domeniile care ii privesc. Speram ca, in viitor, Conventia Europeana sa depuna propuneri pentru a consolida democratia in Uniunea Europeana si pentru a conferi cetatenilor sai sansa de a juca un rol in influentarea orientarii viitoare a Uniunii. Va informam ca reactia Dumneavoastra la aceasta Scrisoare Deschisa va fi adusa la cunostinta membrilor Prezidiului Conventiei Europene si reprezentantilor celorlalte State Membre si Candidate la Uniunea Europeana.

Exprimandu-ne recunostinta pentru atentia acordata, va rugam sa primiti expresia consideratiei noastre.

Fundatia EUROLINK – Casa Europei


OPEN LETTER: 9 May 2003


Pendant le travail de la Convention, les organisations de la Société Civile ont demandé r plusieurs reprises que le futur traité reconnaisse leur rôle dans la construction d’une Europe pour tou(te)s. Cet appel a été clairement exprimé lors des auditions de la Société Civile par la Convention, et reflcte le but exposé dans la déclaration de Laeken de rapprocher les citoyen(ne)s de l’Union. Les associations de citoyen(ne)s /ONG jouent un rôle-clé dans la conception, la mise en oeuvre et l’évaluation des politiques de l’UE. Elles peuvent aussi jeter un pont entre les citoyen(ne)s et les institutions de l’UE.

Cependant, dans le projet initial de constitution, dans la partie relative r la vie démocratique de l’Union présentée par le Vice-Président de la Convention le 3 avril dernier, ces objectifs ne sont pas atteints. En particulier, le projet d’article 34 n’établit pas un dialogue garanti et structuré avec les associations de citoyen(ne)s/ ONG. Il semble etre acquis que l’article 34 se réfcrera explicitement au dialogue avec les partenaires sociaux (syndicats et organisations d'employeurs), et l’article 37 établit un dialogue avec les églises et les organisations non-confessionnelles. Nous saluons l’insertion du dialogue avec ces groupes, mais demandons que l’article 34 garantisse le dialogue avec les ONG en mentionnant les associations de citoyen(ne)s.

Nous vous demandons de soutenir notre demande pour un dialogue garanti et structuré avec toutes les organisations de la société civile et le public r toutes les étapes du processus décisionnel et avec toutes les Institutions de l’UE. Le droit au dialogue doit etre établi pour tous ceux qui sont concernés par les politiques de l’EU. Les citoyen(ne)s et leurs organisations doivent avoir le droit d’acccs r la justice via la Cour Européenne de Justice dans les domaines qui les concernent.

Nous espérons que la Convention déposera des propositions pour renforcer la démocratie dans l’Union européenne et pour donner ses citoyens l’opportunité de jouer un rôle en influençant la direction future de l’Union.

En vous remerciant de votre attention, je vous prie d'agréer l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.

EUROLINK - Maison de l'Europe


SCRISOARE DESCHISA: 29 septembrie 2003

In atentia     E.S. Dlui Presedinte Ion ILIESCU

                     E.S. Dlui Ministru de Externe Mircea GEOANA

REF: Apel la actiune in favoarea viitoarei Constitutii Europene

Ne adresam Excelentei Voastre, in numele Consiliului Director al Casei Europei „EUROLINK” din Bucuresti-Romania, in calitate de coordonator national al Campaniei Europene ACT4EUROPE, desfasurata sub egida Grupului de Contact al Societatii Civile Europene, o larga alianta ce reuneste patru mari grupuri de asociatii/organizatii neguvernamentale din domeniile: drepturi ale omului, social, mediu, dezvoltare, precum si Confederatia Europeana a Sindicatelor (CES). Aceasta alianta a monitorizat lucrarile Conventiei asupra Viitorului Europei, iar, de acum inainte, pe cele ale Conferintei Inter-Guvernamentale (CIG) de la Bruxelles.

O cerinta si o asteptare esentiala, impartasite de ONG-urile din toate domeniile sunt ca CIG sa nu aiba loc cu usile inchise, ci sa continue metoda deschisa si transparenta, initiata de Conventia Europeana. Ne exprimam speranta ca CIG si procesul ulterior de ratificare vor transpune spiritul propunerii noului articol asupra democratiei participative, printr-un dialog consecvent, deschis si transparent cu organizatiile reprezentative ale societatii civile.

Societatea civila este foarte preocupata ca - in numele negocierii unor interese nationale – CIG va genera un text al Constitutiei Europene, inadecvat secolului XXI. Va cerem in mod ferm sa asigurati crearea unei Constitutii democratice bazate pe drepturi si valori in care popoarele Europei sa se poata identifica si care sa recunoasca diversitatea si nevoile lor, in spiritul unei solidaritati globale.

In plus, o Constitutie Europeana fundamentata pe drepturi si valori trebuie sa ofere instrumentele si mecanismele unei salvgardari politice si juridice, precum si ale transpunerii acestor drepturi si valori – un domeniu care s-a bucurat de o prea mica atentie in cursul Conventiei. Va cerem sa consolidati drepturile si valorile legate de dezvoltare, in Partea I si sa garantati coerenta dintre drepturi si valori, stabilita in Partea I si in Partea II, precum si instrumentele practice in Partea III, legate de domeniile social, mediu si drepturile omului.

Desi Romania ramane un candidat in asteptarea fixarii doritei aderari la Uniunea Europeana, suntem convinsi ca puteti sustine dezideratele majoritatii societatii civile din Romania si, in acest mod, sa plasati tara noastra in avangarda procesului de deliberare asupra unei Europe mai apropiate de cetatean, mai unite si mai puternice.

Va adresam rugamintea de a da curs solicitarii societatii civile europene prin a raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari pe care vi le adresam in mod public:

Exprimandu-ne recunostinta pentru atentia acordata, va rugam sa primiti expresia celei mai inalte consideratii,

Fundatia EUROLINK – Casa Europei


OPEN LETTER: 29 September 2003

To the kind attn. of  H.E. Mr. President Ion ILIESCU

                                    H.E. Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs Mircea GEOANA

REF: Call to action in favour of the future European Constitution

We ask the kind permission to address to Your Excellency on the behalf of the EUROLINK-HOUSE of EUROPE Foundation in Romania as National Coordinator of the European Campaign ACT4EUROPE, deployed unde the aegis of the of the Contact Group of the European Civil Society, a large alliance composed from four Ngo groups in the fields of human rights, social, environment, development, as well as the European Confederation of Unions (CES).

A key demand and expectation shared by all NGO sectors is that the IGC should not retreat behind closed door meetings, but continue the open and transparent working method initiated by the Convention on the Future of Europe. We hope that the IGC and subsequent ratification process will implement the spirit of the new draft article on participatory democracy through a regular, open, and transparent dialogue with representative organizations of civil society.

Civil society is very concerned that the IGC will in the name of national interests “horsetrade” a Constitution that does not present a text fit for the 21st century. We strongly ask you to ensure the creation of a rights and values based democratic Constitution with which people in Europe can identify and that clearly recognizes their diversities and needs in a spirit of global solidarity.

Additionally, a rights and values based European Constitution has to provide the tools and mechanisms to politically and legally safeguard and concretely implement those rights and values – an area which received too little attention during the Convention. We urge you to strengthen the rights and values related to development in Part I and guarantee the coherence between the rights and values set out in Parts I and II, and the policy tools in Part III relating to social, environmental, and human rights.

Despite Romania is still only a Candidate State to the EU accession, we are persuaded that Your Excellency could support the aspirations of the major part of the Romanian civil society and, in this way, place our country in the vanguard of the deliberation process on a closer to the citizen, more united and stronger Europe.

Please supply us as soon as possible with the following information: How and when do you intend to give civil society in our country about the IGC process and an opportunity for input into the debate? How will you guarantee a rights/values based text? How will you ensure that the mechanisms of political and legal implementation of these rights and values receive adequate attention during the IGC to achieve better coherence?

Thank you again in advance for the courtesy extended to us.

EUROLINK - HOUSE of EUROPE, Bucharest - Romania

Press Release



-Comunicat de presa din 29.09.2003-

In calitate de Coordonator National al Campaniei ACT4EUROPE in Romania, initiata sub egida GRUPULUI DE CONTACT AL SOCIETATII CIVILE EUROPENE, Casa Europei EUROLINK din Romania, Membra a Federatiei Internationale a Caselor Europei (FIME-Saarbrucken, Germania) se bucura sa aduca in atentia tuturor celor interesati declansarea noii etape a campaniei, in ajunul deschiderii Conferintei Inter-Guvernamentale (CIG), care urmeaza sa perfecteze varianta finala a textului viitoarei Constitutii Europene. Organizatiile componente ale acestei campanii – care a demonstrat deja forta unitatii societatii civile din noua Europa – considera important ca persoanele desemnate drept responsabile de reprezentarea Romaniei la lucrarile CIG sa cunoasca faptul ca organizatiile neguvernamentale si sindicatele urmaresc cu atentie activitatile lor referitoare la Constitutia Europeana, ce trebuie sa reflecte drepturile si interesele cetatenilor.

Va adresam chemarea de a va alatura noua, pentru a realiza o campanie de lobby cat mai eficienta pe langa Ministerul Afacerilor Externe si Administratia Prezidentiala in favoarea obiectivelor CAMPANIEI ACT4EUROPE !

Pe aceasta cale, va reamintim succint ca obiectivele esentiale ale campaniei vizeaza :

Conform strategiei comune a Campaniei ACT4EUROPE, textul acestei scrisori cu caracter deschis a fost sau urmeaza sa fie expediata E.S. Presedintelui Romaniei, E.S. Dlui Ministru al Afacerilor Externe, reprezentantului desemnat al E.S. Primului Ministru al Romaniei pentru lucrarile CIG de la Bruxelles, unor membri marcanti ai comisiei de specialitate a Parlamentului Romaniei, ca si reprezentantilor presei pro-europene si democratice.

Expresia Dvs. de adeziune ca si sugestiile Dvs. sunt mai mult decat binevenite si le asteptam in scris pe adresa de e-mail a organizatiei noastre, cat mai curand posibil. 

Departamentul de Relatii Publice




-Press Release from 29.09.2003-

As National Coordinator of Act4Europe Campaign in Romania, initiated by the European Civil Society Contact Group, EUROLINK – House of Europe in Romania, Member of the International Federation of Europe Houses (FIME-Saarbrucken, Germany) is glad to present you the new stage of the campaign, preceding the works of the Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC), which will work on the final text of the future European Constitution. The member organisations of this campaign already proved the power of a united civil society in the new Europe. They consider that it is very importat that the nominated persons responsible to represent Romania at the works of IGC should know that the employer organisations and NGOs will assess their activity as concerns the European Constitution, which should reflect the rights and interests of the citizens.

We address you this CALL to join us, in order to start an efficient lobby campaign towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Presidency in favor of the ACT4EUROPE Campaign objectives!

In this context, we will briefly review the main objectives of the campaign:

According to the common strategy of the Act4Europe Campaign, the text of this open letter was also sent to H.E. the President of Romania, H.E. the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the nominated representative of

H. E. the Prime Minister of Romania for the works of the IGC, as well as to the representatives of the Romanian Parliament, and the representatives of the pro-European and democratic press. Until now, one week after, as int the previous stages of this European lobby campaign, there were no reactions from the high representatives or Romania to the IGC !

Your expression of interest, as well as your suggestions are welcomed and we look forward to them at:

Public Relations Department

EUROLINK-House of Europe, Bucharest - Romania


Join Us!

EUROLINK - House of Europe is the National Coordinator of the Act4Europe Campaign in Romania. We can provide you all needed information in order to join our advocacy and lobby campaign in favor of the objectives of the new European Constitution. Please feel free to contact us and join our efforts:

Secretariat of EUROLINK - House of Europe
Mail address: Floreasca District, Caporal bulugea 9, ap. 5, Bucuresti
Tel/fax: 021.2304997

Also, please visit the act4europe web site:

Research Papers

Research Study on the European Constitution

The position of the Romanian civil society regading the adoption af the futue European Constitution has been presented by Mr Sever Avram, Executive President of the EUROLINK - House of Europe in Bucharest through his research study "The European Constitution as Opportunity for a Fulfilled Citizenship".

This research paper is part of the collective antology entitled "One single Constitution for the EU", published in 2001, by Leske - Budrich Verlag in Opladen, (Germany). The book contains a series of scientific studies about the introdruction of a unique European Constitution. This edition has been coordinated by Professor Heiner Timmermann, from the European Academy in Otzenhausen. For the electronic format, click here


A Romanian Perspective on the EU Developing Reforms 

This research paper was awarded by the Open Society Foundation in Romania and published in the volume: "Un concept romanesc privind viitorul Uniunii Europene", Polirom - Iasi, Romania, 2001. For the electronic format, click here




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Press Release
