Provisional Agenda
27 September 2012 (14.00h-17.00h)
Venue: Palace of the Parliament - Senate of Romania - "Constantin Stere" Hall
11.00-11.45 Registration of participants
(entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie)
12.00-13.30 Official Opening Ceremony
Wine tasting, offered by Crama Oprisor.
13.30-14.00 Networking Session within the Business Matching Point
After the official opening ceremony in the presence of important guests, the effective Empowering, Training and Lobby Session is designed to be part of the collective national operation in European and international context oriented to establish and develop the first Romanian Network of Promoters, Facilitators and Experts of the EU Danube Region Strategy’s Implementation, especially in our larger Danube – Black Sea Basin area.
Venue: Palace of the Parliament - Senate of Romania - "Constantin Stere" Hall
14.30-17.00 Empowering, Training and Lobby Session (part I)
Main theoretical and practical directions:
Module 1. The Inventory of Development and Financing Needs in relation with EUSDR Pillars
- Implications for Romanian beneficiaries of EUSDR objectives and priority areas managed by Romania.
- How to identify and evaluate the needs and portfolio of ideas, initiatives and potential projects at local, county, regional level and in the cross-border context?
Module 2. Sources and opportunities of current and future funding
- EU funding programs in Brussels and types of major projects that can be submitted. Examples of international projects and case study (Revitalizing cultural and historical heritage of Sulina port).
- How we can sponsor and co-finance the joint projects in various fields (international funds, fundraising, involvement of private funders, public-private partnerships etc.).
Module 3. A new series of programming and implementation (2014-2020) - CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS
- How to activate and develop an efficient way to influence decision-makers in order to improve programming skills and the satisfaction of real needs in relation to EUSDR project.
- How to improve standards-related consultation and decision-making of EUSDR priority areas: territorial; strategic; social and economic communication - PR - lobby.
28 September 2012 (09.00h-14.00h)
Venue: Palace of the Parliament - Senate of Romania - "Constantin Stere" Hall
09.00-14.00 Empowering, Training and Lobby Session (part II)
Main theoretical and practical directions:
Module 4. Project cycle management in EUSDR context
- Leadership issues, working specifications, uniform standards of project management etc. - Current status and opportunities for improvement.
- Practical opportunities and ways to avoid excessive bureaucracy and prevent disputes, barriers and crises.
Module 5. Effective Lobbying and Advocacy Strategies in EUSDR context
- How to sensitize decision-makers and local/regional leaders on EUSDR opportunities? Setting the public agendas for common purposes by the economic and social interest groups. Best practices: Tarnavelor MicroRegion case.
- What means lobbying in European and cross-border context, especially for setting up multinational consortia and action platforms in the Danube Region?
Module 6. Social marketing resources and evaluation for successful implementation of complex projects
- How to animate and provide content to current and on-going networks, and to provoke constructive debates on future cooperation projects: social media tools, content copyrighting for newsletters, moderating forums etc
- Implications and consequences for improving communication within public authorities and especially between management structures and beneficiaries / sub-contractors of projects. Past weaknesses, mistakes to avoid, favorable factors and ways of operationalizing.
Leading practioners, advisers and specialised speakers are to cover the above mentioned subjects and animate this PILOT EXPLORATORY EVENT in order to ensure a proper and sound implementation of Danube and Black Sea projects, as for example:
- Sever AVRAM - Senior Consultant in PR and Lobby
- Jamil BENABDALLAH - Senior Consultant, Detente Consultants
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen COSTEA - European Evaluator and Consultant / Academy of Economic Studies
- Sandu ZAMFIRESCU - Communication, SEO and Social Media Consultant