In the presence of the High Representative of the Presidency of the European Union
H.E. Mrs Ambassador Kalliopi AVRAAM
Special Guests and Honorary Mentors
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU - Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sport
Academician Cristian HERA - Vice-president of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Univ. Dr. Alexandru T. BOGDAN - Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy
Ambasador Liviu BOTA - Ex-Sub-Secretary of the United Nations Organization / Honorary President of EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation / Chairman of the Black Sea University Foundation
Dr. Mircea GEOANA - President of the Comission for Foreign Affairs - Senate of Romania / President of Aspen Institute - Romania
Petra SZAVICS - Consultant for Regional Development and Former Advisor for the Presidency of European Union and of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
Prof. Horia BARNA - Personal Advisor to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Prof. Univ. Dr. Iordan Ghe. BARBULESCU - President of the Senate - National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)
Jamil BENABDALLAH - Consultant, Detente Consultants
Dr. Dorin PALAGHICIUC - Secretary I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the EUSDR National Coordinator - special observer
State Secretary Eugen COIFAN - President of the National Agency of Civil Servants (ANFP)
Maria TOGHINA - Member of the Board, Radio Romania
Madalin Ady TEODOSESCU - Prim Vicepresident, Association of Romanian Towns
Erich WENDL - Secretary General, European Academy Vienna
Sever AVRAM - Consultant in PR si Lobby/Executive President - EUROLINK-House of Europe
Jamil BENABDALLAH - Consultant, Detente Consultants
Marius BOSTAN - President, National Foundation of Young Managers (FNTM)
Senator Alexandru CORDOS (t.b.c.) - Committee for Labour, Family and Social Protection, Senate of Romania
Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen COSTEA - Evaluator FP7 - European Commission / Academy of Economic Studies / Alternative Sciences Association in Romania
Prof. Univ. Dr. Doina BANCIU - ICI Bucharest
Alexandru Ioan ENE - Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jose Manuel LECETA-GARCIA (tbc) - Director, European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Budapest (Hungary)
Teofil GHERCA - Head of Department, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism
Dr. Georgeta GHETE - President, Professional Association for Quality in Training for Public Administration (CINAQ)
Conf. Univ. Dr. Ardian KYCYKU - Rector, Romanian University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea"(ROMANIA)
Prof. Univ. Dr. Petre PRISECARU - World Economy Institute of the Romanian Academy
Octavian SERBAN - Certified Knowledge Management Consultant / President of Knowledge Management Institute - Romania
Andrei TARNEA - Director, Aspen Institute - Romania
Participating organisations and institutions
Empowering, Training and Lobby Session
- Advisory Top Consult SRL-D
- Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est - Biroul Coordonator Pol de Crestere Constanta
- Asociatia Centrul de Dezvoltare Economica si Sociala Braila
- Asociatia "Centrul pentru Strategii si Politici Europene"
- Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara ECONORD Sibiu
- Asociatia Grupul de Actiune Locala Clisura Dunarii
- ASPL Sulina
- Centrul Roman de Politici Europene
- Centrul Roman pentru Pregatirea si Perfectionarea Personalului din Transporturi Navale - CERONAV
- Consiliul Judetean Caras Severin
- CN Administratia Porturilor Maritime - Constanta
- E-poll – Marketing Strategy Consulting SRL
- Eurotrust Design SRL
- I.N.C.D. Mecatronica si Tehnica Masurarii
- Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
- ISJ Mehedinti
- Primaria Bals
- Primaria Municipiului Rosiorii de Vede
- Primaria Sector 6 - Municipiul Bucuresti
- Primaria Drobeta Turnu Severin
- Primaria Reghin
- Primaria Sulina
- PwC Romania
- Regional Consulting and Management
- Rocavi Consulting SRL
- Regia Nationala a Padurilor Romsilva
- SIVECO Romania
- Universitatea DANUBIUS Galati
- Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" Sibiu
- Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti
- Universitatea "Valahia" din Targoviste
- Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
- Universitatea de Vest "Vasile Goldis" Arad
Members of the Honorary Scientific Council
International Honorary Chair for EUSDR
- Honorary President: H.E. Ambassador Liviu BOTA
- Prof. Vito A. D'ARMENTO - Writer (ITALY)
- Csaba BAN - European Studies Specialist - CEU (HUNGARY)
- Dr. Ciprian BENEA - Executive Director - Black Sea University Foundation (ROMANIA)
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Alexandru T. BOGDAN - Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy (ROMANIA)
- Marius BOSTAN - President, National Foundation of Young Managers - FNTM (ROMANIA)
- Olivier DUPUIS - Journalist, ex-Member of the European Parliament (BELGIUM)
- Ceyhun GOEKCOEL - Lobby Consultant - European Parliament (BELGIUM)
- Dr. Torge HAMKENS - GTZ Consultant (GERMANY)
- Academician Cristian HERA - Vice-president of the Romanian Academy (ROMANIA)
- Conf. Univ. Dr. Ardian KYCYKU - Rector, Romanian University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea"(ROMANIA)
- Dr. Rolanda PREDESCU - Director, ANCS (ROMANIA)
- Jurgen REIZNER - Consultant, Steinbeis Transfer Netwotk (GERMANY)
- Peter SCHUTZ - President, Nipzentrum (AUSTRIA)
- Joaquim Pinto da SILVA - Expert, DG REGIO - European Commission (BELGIUM)
- Dr. Miroslav TASCU STAVRE - President, Green Institute (ROMANIA)
- Erich WENDL - Secretary General, European Academy Vienna (AUSTRIA)
Coordinators of Working Committees
International Honorary Chair for EUSDR
- International Relations
Dr. Andrei TARNEA - Executive Director, Aspen Institute - Romania - Regional Development - Tourism
Jamil BENABDALLAH - Consultant, Detente Consultants - Risks Management - Environment Protection
Petra SZAVICS - European Expert - Transport - Infrastructure
Arh. Cristian BANICA - Consultant, Arhitectonik 2000 - Cultural-historical heritage
Arh. Lect. Univ. Dr. Marina MIHAILA - "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism - Competition and Global Competitiveness
Prof. Univ. Dr. Petre PRISECARU - World Economy Institute of the Romanian Academy - Scientific Innovation / Alternative Sciences
Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen COSTEA - Evaluator FP7 - European Commission / Academy of Economic Studies / Alternative Sciences Association in Romania - Eco-energy / Eco-efficiency
Dr. Ionut PURICA - Romanian Academy - Public Administration Reform
Dr. Georgeta GHETE DANAU - President, Professional Association for Quality in Training for Public Administration (CINAQ) - Know-How Transfer - Knowledge Management
Octavian SERBAN, KMC - European Expert (Brussels) - Rural Development - Agriculture
Dr. Viorica BOBOC - Communications - Public Relations
Sever AVRAM - Executive President, EUROLINK-House of Europe - Mass-Media
Dan RATIU - Film maker
Speakers / trainers
Empowering, Training and Lobby Session
- Sever AVRAM - PR & Lobby Consultant
- Arh. Cristian BANICA - Consultant, Arhitectonik 2000
- Jamil BENABDALLAH - Consultant, Detente Consultants
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen COSTEA - Evaluator FP7 - European Commission / Academy of Economic Studies / Alternative Sciences Association in Romania
- Arh. Lect. Univ. Dr. Marina MIHAILA - "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism
- Sandu ZAMFIRESCU - SEO / Social Media Consultant