National Network for the Danube Region
All leaders, managers and other officials from the public sector and the businesses environment are called to realize the importance of this turning point and actively join this initiative, in order to enjoy the benefits of participating to the first National Network of Promoters, Facilitators and Experts for the implementation of EUSDR. The inauguration takes place on September 27th, 2012, at the Palace of the Parliament in the presence of the representatives of the main institutions that support, directly or indirectly, the reconstruction of the Danube Region and the involvement of Romania in this project site.
7 reasons to join the National Network of Danube Strategy
In the business world, there are real chances which everyone should take advantage of, especially now, in the new conditions of recession, if EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) would be implemented through programs co-financed from European and other international sources:
- After the notable success of the Baltic Sea Strategy, Europe and Asia are focused on our area, and all counties of Romania are eligible for financing.
- Overcoming a time of hesitations, the German Land governments are feverishly motivated and already involved in the transfer of technology and know-how to various areas in Romania and the cross-border regions with Moldavia, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia and the Black Sea Basin, especially Turkey.
- A greater legislative and procedural flexibility, including the use of Public-Private Partnerships, is at reach for those who want and will receive support by EUSDR.
- The highest fora and organizations at continental level and from Romania, such as the Romanian Academy, have already presented their main and eligible projects, and now, after the visit of the European Commissioner for Regional Development, it is expected that the technical procedures for feasibility studies will be launched by the European Commission.
- The business sector and many local authorities have already attained certain experience from previous funding projects, and now, especially because of the programming and implementation errors, the specialists in our country can considerably benefit, in order to overcome the excessive bureaucracy and previous blocks.
- The results obtained through rural development projects, such as LEADER, and trough the cross-border partnerships, have strengthened the multinational partnerships, enabling rapid formation of stronger and more experienced effective consortia.
- Both the start of recession in Europe and the increase of global competition in the region, especially that related to sustainable energy solutions, exert growing financial pressure on us to get out of inertia and to bring into play the skills of many Romanians from other EU countries and activate them for easily and reasonably overcoming of the prolonged crisis and apathy related to the absorption of European funds in the Romanian space.
Taking into account all these premises, the "Integrated Development: Danube-Black Sea" ACTION GROUP within the Consultative Council of EUSDR, coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is calling you to join as soon as possible for sharing your strengths and establishing a National Network of Promoters, Facilitators and Experts for EUSDR, in order to achieve these goals.
Conditions of participation
The selection of the future members of the National Network of the Promoters, Facilitators and Experts for the Implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, implicitly their participation to the current session, is done from further category of institutions:
- public county and local authorities - both elected leaders and public managers, administrative employees, collaborators, interns etc.;
- consultancy associations and agencies;
- professional associations and sub-contracting project management companies;
- national and bilateral Chambers of Commerce;
- project coordinators within universities and academic milieu;
- NGO sector’s leaders
- young scholars and post-graduate students.
The maximum number of available places: 12.
The registrations procedures will take place according to the principle "First come - first served" on the basis of the filling up the Enrollment Form and of the bank transfer of the contribution for co-financing the future projects within the current initiative.
The deadline for applications is September 25th, 2012. Also, in the situation of participation of minimum 3 persons from the same institution, a special discount of 10% is provided.
Enrollment Form - Empowering, Training and Lobby Session - 2012
Deadline: 25 September 2012