The Strategic Confluence between Black Sea and Danube -
the gate towards new innovative investment opportunities
European Maritime Day in Romania - 2012
On the occasion of celebrating the second edition of European Maritime Day in Romania , under the auspices of the European Commision, the Black Sea - Danube Regional Network for Economic and Social Innovation will organise at the Palace of the Parliament, on May 17th, 2012, the only regional event dedicated to the Information, Networking and Facilitation of EU funding for economic & social innovation . p>
The structure of the Forum includes an information, counselling and networking session, designed to recommend Social Media & Knowledge Management (KM) integrated solutions for a better promotion and access to the new financing programs, through implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the Black Sea Synergy. Special guests from Brussels and other international financial institutions will make presentations and will discuss practical study-cases, including how to exercit an appropriate institutional lobby for unblocking the EU funds for Romania.
In the second part of the Forum, representatives of the involved EU and Romanian institutions will discuss tools and current funding opportunities for complex projects, but also for SMEs in the concerned fields. At the exhibition stands inside the building, the participants will learn about current projects, as examples of good practice. A Business Matsching Point will be organized in order to encourage new working partnerships. Finally, the Trophies "Black Sea - Danubian Social & Economic Innovator - 2012" will be awarded. On May 18th, 2012, our guests will attend a study visit and business meeting with key operators and representatives of authorities in Constanta.
The Organising Consortium:
EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation
- a Romanian NGO established in March 1997. The foundation operates as an independent and non-partisan educational / information agency, aimed to deepen and to promote the European Idea and the aspirations of a United Europe.
under the aegis:
Black Sea - Danube Regional Network for Social & Economic Innovation
- established in 2011, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission (DG MARE) and BSEC.
with the kind support of the:
National Coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region - Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and with the kind contribution of the following institutions:
- Senate - Parliament of Romania
- Chamber of the Deputies - Parliament of Romania
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Managing Authority of the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013
- National Authority for Scientific Research
- Aspen Institute Romania
- Romanian Academy
- ACRAFE - Association of Romanian Consultants for the Accession of European Funds
- CCIR - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
- Black Sea University Foundation
- Romanian University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea"
- Alternative Sciences Association in Romania
- CINAQ - Professional Association for Quality in Training for Public Administration
- FNTM - National Foundation of Young Managers
- Knowledge Management Institute - Romania
- Steinbeis Transfer Network - Stuttgart
- European Academy Vienna
- Green Institute
- University of Bucharest - European Studies Centre
Associate Partner:
Oficial Sponsor:
Technical Sponsors:
CESIRO SA - Sighisoara
Oprisor Winery
Phaeton Gala - PR & Lobby Consulting
Open Competition
A multi-national competition is officially launched in order to reward the most appealing and effective regional cooperation ideas, initiatives, project and networks, co-financed or to be financed by the European Funds in the Black Sea Basin / Danube Region.
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